Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bishop s Same Gender Couples Adoption - 1393 Words

Bishop Disapproves Same-Gender Couples Adoption Rights in Czech Republic In response to a change in the Czech Republic’s law now affirming the rights of LGB people adopting children, Bishop Vaclav Maly—chairman of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Czech Bishops’ Conference—stated: The model of the family, constituted by a man and a woman, has been proved over thousands of years and shown by numerous expert studies to serve a child s physical and psychological needs best,† according to an article on The Tablet. In June of 2016, the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic struck down the law that kept LGB people in same-gender partnerships from adopting children. The Czech Republic, where Catholicism is the dominant religion, has seen slow change from their landmark decision in 2006 that created a â€Å"registered partnership† class for same-gender couples. Registered partnerships are similar to marriages but with less rights, such as–until recently–not having the right to adopt children. The previous law, however, allowed LGB people not in registered partnerships to adopt and only restricted those in â€Å"registered partnerships.† The court’s June decision allows one member of a registered partnership to adopt but does not yet allow both partners to hold joint custody. In a statement, Bishop Vaclav Maly said that recent increases in child abuse and neglect in the Czech Republic required increased dialogue on the country s adoption and foster care. After researchingShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1604 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman and has been so for many years. Nowadays the controversial topic of same sex marriage or gay marriage is causing outbursts in the public and Government, especially those who are religious and find the union of two men or two women is a sin against God and the Church. The debate against legalizing same-sex marriage consists of arguments insisting that if two people love each other they should be able to marry, contradicting the currentRead MoreLegalization Of Same Sex Marriage Essay963 Words   |  4 PagesShannelle Romuar Alfritz Arevalo Angelika Figueroa Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage I. Introduction Same-sex marriage can also be called gay marriage. This is a marriage between two males or two females, in either a religious setting or in a civil ceremony. Same-sex unions are recorded in the history of a number of cultures but this type of marriage is rare, or doesn’t exist in other cultures .The first law that provided same-sex marriage for the people was in 2001 in the Netherlands. As of JulyRead MoreLife And Struggle Of Lesbians At Work, School And On Television2690 Words   |  11 Pageslesbians in real life and to focus on the feelings lesbians have as mothers. In â€Å"Gender, Genetics and Generation: Reformulating Biology in Lesbian Kinship† by Connie P. Hayden which focuses on the role of biology in relationships, sexuality and gender roles. Hayden discusses the role of blood relations and biology in relation to the â€Å"kinship theory† throughout the United States. The article also focuses on lesbian couples and their issues to be recognized as a n uclear family. Questions that I will beRead MoreA True Definition Of Catholic Marriage Essay2031 Words   |  9 Pageschange that much from the Catholic definition, one common conflict is the idea that love is free, that the idea that love is free expands to the fact that in modern times, not only love is between a man and a woman, but that the same love can be experienced between same-sex couples. A significant portion of Catholics are against these new configurations of modern relationships (see Leviticus 18:22), while different Catholics are questioning the doctrine that has been in place for the past millennia. OtherRead MoreHomosexual Marriage and the Catholic Church Essay2332 Words   |  10 PagesHomosexual Marriage and the Catholic Church Imagine you were born into a world where being straight was taboo. You were raised by same sex parents, as all of your friends. Fornication of the opposite sex was merely to have children, but a relationship between the two was virtually unheard of. It was believed that same sex parents provided a better home for children. Love between a man and a man (or a woman and a woman) was believed to be the perfect love because it was loving an equalRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle Ri ver, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words   |  179 PagesDiscrimination in processes promoted by international cooperation agencies and development aid 48 5.4.7 Discrimination through the media 48 2 of 104 Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Nicaragua November 2006 5.4.8 The impact of racism on gender relations 5.4.9 Migration and racism 5.4.10 Advance of the agricultural frontier 5.5 Manifestations of ethnic discrimination in the economic sphere 5.5.1 Racism and poverty 5.5.2 Inequitable budgetary distribution 5.5.3 Lack of access toRead MoreSda Manual Essay101191 Words   |  405 Pages119 119 119 119 119 119 120 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 122 123 123 123 123 124 124 124 124 124 124 125 125 TABLE OF CONTENTS Family Ministries Committee ................................................... Family Ministries Leader(s) ..................................................... 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society - 1564 Words

The War on Drugs is a deep-rooted controversial campaign of prohibition and military aid that has been disputed for many years. There are constant debates as to whether there will ever be a viable solution to the problem. However, as we continue to pursue the â€Å"war on drugs,† it has become increasingly evident that â€Å"winning† the war seems to be an impossible task. Drug prohibition and the undertaking of the war on drugs have stirred much controversy over its moral and logical implications. While there are many drugs that exist that are unhealthy when abused, it has become apparent that the drug policies in the United States, as well as many parts of the world, are inconsistent and oppressive. Ironically, drug laws were initially created for the good of society, but it has become increasingly clear that drug laws and our undertaking of the drug war have only served to cause problems. The current war on drugs has led to devastating effects on society both e conomically and socially. Violence and corruption have subjugated throughout the United States, Mexico and many other parts of the world. Additionally, drug prohibition efforts have had very little impact on the supply of illegal drugs and have had little to no success in reducing the demand for illegal drugs. The war on drugs, which is fueled by corruption and propaganda, needs to come to an end for the betterment of society. Drug prohibition has not always been accepted in society as it is today. In fact, thereShow MoreRelatedWar On Drugs And Its Effects On Society Essay1730 Words   |  7 PagesNovember 2016 Final Paper War on Drugs Introduction The War on Drugs was established in the early 70’s to end drug abuse, which had increasingly become a problem during that era. Considering drugs will continue to be manufactured and consumed, this war has no end. And because there is no boundaries, there is room for discrimination and people being targeted. A disproportionate amount of minorities, particularly African Americans, are incarcerated every year for drug possession. As a result, childrenRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society1276 Words   |  6 PagesJust a little over a year and a half after being in office President Reagan declared a â€Å"war on drugs†, creating a zero tolerance policy. The â€Å"war on drugs† claimed that it would reduce drug use if they were made illegal. The common misconception of the idea of this solution if that by restricting the supply of illicit drugs for the demand the price would increase making it harder for users to afford the habit and further discour age users from using. When in reality this shifted individuals into diggingRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society889 Words   |  4 PagesThe war on drugs is one that continuously alters society and effects millions of people. Whether it be the constant back and forth battle of whether or not to legalize marijuana for recreational or medicinal use to stories of girls like Kristina in Crank that find their way to more potent drugs such as meth; drugs policies are always necessary. Stories like this are important to help people understand how drugs fit into our society and just how prevalent they are. In the story of Crank, KristinaRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effect On Society1888 Words   |  8 PagesHumans have the tendency to wage war on anything which they thing has a negative Fulsy 7 effect on their society or which may affect their way of life. Before the 19th century, alcohol was considered a product of religious relevance and individualistic satisfaction, but latter people realized it was being abused and in 1914 the Narcotics Tax Act was introduce. And later the 18 amendment was introduced prohibiting the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol with exception to religious orRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effect On Society1840 Words   |  8 PagesThe, â€Å"War on Drugs† has been an ongoing debate in many circles for much longer than most people know. Starting in the late 1800’s, drug regulations and laws have been imposed upon American society and, although they have changed and been manipulated to fit different policies, by different politicians with different agendas, they are still in effect today. These laws and regulations may be in place for the safety of society or, according to some, are a way for the federal government t o control theRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society1907 Words   |  8 PagesThe â€Å"war on drugs† has been an ongoing problem for almost a century. With the amount of effort to decrease the use of drugs, it is still a major problem in today’s society. Drugs have played a crucial role on the effects of incarceration rates in our society. It has also played a major role on the effects on prisoners and their communities. In the first place, in the 1800’s, drugs made their first appearance in the United States. After the American Civil War, Opium became a popular drug in the UnitedRead MoreIs The War On Drugs?1252 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscussing is the War on Drugs. I will discuss the War on Drugs in relation to mass incarceration and to what consequences the War on drugs has caused among people and society itself. I have always been interested by the War on Drugs. However, slowly realizing, I only knew so much about the issue. As I further researched I learned what the term, â€Å"War on Drugs† really means. The â€Å"War on Drugs† is about the prohibition of drugs in society. Therefore, I strongly believe that the Drug War is a very controversialRead More America And The War On Drugs Essay1216 Words   |  5 PagesColumbia, when they have their own problems with drugs? The Untied States of America has a rather large drug trafficking problem but compared to Columbia it is fa irly small. To help Columbia solve their problem the U.S. senate has decided to send troops over there and take control. This new involvement will have many consequences in and what can you make for instance the cost of a war, the loss and gain of jobs, and physical side effects. Now war is a very serious subject to study for sociologistsRead MoreMethamphetamine And Cocaine Are Two Commonly Negatively Depicted Substances1746 Words   |  7 Pageslooking at the history of each. Important factors are when and how each â€Å"drug† came up in society. Other necessary characteristics one must analyze about each is the positives of each, but also the harmful effects of each. The final, and arguably most important aspect an individual must inspect is how society is affected by either meth or cocaine. Methamphetamine, or more commonly referred to as meth, is a popular recreational drug within the borders of the United States, but where is the origin of theRead MoreThe Vietnam War Has Far Reaching Consequences For The United States1710 Words   |  7 PagesFailure is a hard word, and no matter how you analyze the Vietnam War, that is precisely what it was. The War was a personal failure on a national scale. From its covert commen- cements, through the bloodiest, most tenebrous days and determinately to the acrid end, this ten-year period of American history is a national disgrace. This research paper will deal with some of the more intriguing aspects and effects of this war. Since the Vietnam conflict made absolutely no sense politically, militarily

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What is life Free Essays

What is life? Is it a mystery? Is it an adventure? Is it a way to help others? Or is it so brief compared to the rest of the time in the universe it has no meaning at all? People have been wondering this for thousands of years, yet no one has found an answer. Many look for complicated ways to understand life, yet the answer is so simple; life is a book. Since the day the binding was opened for the first time,and the author began writting the story; every thought, action, and emotion that is experienced is written into the book. We will write a custom essay sample on What is life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Memory is just rereading the book. Some pages torn, stuck together, smeared so we can’t remember it as well, but it is all writtten down. Every hope, every dream, every fear is recorded in time forever. Some books have flashy, tacky covers, but tell the most troublesome stories on the inside. Some have dull, nondescript covers, but tell the warmest, most adventurous stories that causes one to recall some earlier chapter in ones own life. Every experience is a chapter. Some chapters speak of friends and family, some speak of the most horrible fears and the most dreamed about opes, and some tell of Love and Loss that the author experienced. Some chapters are not finished and will be completed at a later time. Some chapters are blurred, because not even the author knows what happened, or what he wishes would happen. And some chapters are blank pages, waiting to be filled. More than once, the author has wished he could go back a few pages and rewrite it differently, but alas, the book has already been published, and cannot be changed. As the book ages, it loses some of its shine, pages tear and fade, and the binding becomes loose. Some pages suddenly become so clear, you can’t understand why you didn’t see it before, while others become so transparent that you can’t even remember reading them. And after the book has become so old that it can’t even be read or moved without falling apart, it is taken out of circulation and stored. Not only in a physical place, but in people’s heart, those who loved the book as if it was their best friend. It is stored with every other book of every person’s life back before humanity could even speak with more than grunts and body langauge. It is stored in the Great Library. As you look around this glorous library, the books stack higher than any mountain, and strech farther than any eye can see. And on every shelf are books, and in the center of the room are thousands of books open to different pages and chapters recording the author’s dictations from the start of the book until it is finished and published. And then there are the old books that are being called out of circulation, catalogued and stored. You reach out and begin reading one of the many books. It is the life of your friend. You take notice of how many times your own book overlaps with your riend’s book, and how similar the stories are. As you read this book, you see the meaning of life, not what the stories are, or what the cover looks like, but how every book tells a different story; and while many may overlap and share dreams, hopes, and fears, they each contain knowledge and together make up life. You see, you can’t judge a book by its cover, nor can you judge a person by appearance, each complete with fears, dreams, joys, sorrows, memories, friends and familes. Together we all make up life, and our stories inspire others to grow and to have the best story they can. How to cite What is life, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Marketing strategies of Red Bull and Nike †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Marketing strategies of Red Bull and Nike. Answer: Introduction The current business scenario is quite challenging for the contemporary business organizations. They have to maintain various aspects in order to stay ahead in the competition. One of the key aspects to be maintained by them is themarketing of their products through different channels. Marketing enables the organizations in increasing the identity and exposure of their brand among the customers (Urde 2013). Majority of the large business houses gained their brand identity and brand image from their Marketing activities. Red Bull and Nike are two such organizations which are known for their innovative marketing activities (Armstrong et al 2015). They have being able to position their products in the mind of the customers more positively due to their effective marketing strategies. This report will analyze the strategies being initiated by these two organizations in order to their competitive advantages. Moreover, the process or steps to garner the competitive advantages will also be discussed. Articles gathered from Business today and Forbes is being used to analyze their marketing activities (Sanusi 2017). Marketing strategies of Red Bull Though Red Bull operates in the market having various others competitors offering energy drinks, however, they possess a unique and distinctive approach which makes them different from their competitors (Pangarkar 2017). Majority of the advertisements of the competitors in this sector comprise of loud and entertaining taglines and show structure. On the other hand, Red Bull advertises their products in a more subtle manner. They even do not provide any information about their products in the advertisement, rather than they just aware the customers about their presence. The more focus area of Red Bull in their marketing activities is the sponsorships of various high octane sporting events which match with their brand identity. They mainly position their products as a youth and sports oriented. Thus, customers get more related with their products with the help of these events. Marketing strategies of Nike Nike is one of the prominent and leading footwear and sports accessories brand in the world. In the case of Nike also, they operates in an intensely competitive market having various large competitors offering similar products. Nike is also known for their innovative approach in their marketing activities. Nike is having various products in their portfolio targeted for various sections of the society. Thus, accordingly they market their products to attract the targeted customers. Nike is also more concentrated on outside and event marketing rather than opting for television commercials. They sponsor various large sporting events as well as sponsoring different sports teams (Tuten and Solomon 2014). This helps them in enhancing their brand exposure among the customers. As due to the reason that Nike is operating in sports accessories market, thus the marketing activities with the help of the sporting events helps them to solidify their brand identity among the customers. Moreover, the target segments of them can be collectively attracted by marketing through sporting events. Evaluation of the marketing strategies of Red Bull Red Bull maintains a specific approach in designing their marketing activities. To evaluate the marketing activities of them, segmentation, targeting and positioning model will be used. According to this model, the first step is to identify the segments of the customers which will be targeted. The customer segments for Red Bull are mainly the higher end customers who are inclined towards adventurous lifestyle. People having orientations towards sports are also target segments for them. In addition, demographically, both genders are the targeted segments of Red Bull. In the recent years, more female customers are attracting towards sports and sports oriented activities. Accordingly, Red Bull has increased their brand presence in the events targeted for the women sections. However, the pricing of their products are being done considering the higher end customers (Ellickson, Misra and Nair 2012). Thus, they have opted for premium pricing. It helps them to maintain a standard and exclusi vity among their customers. The next step in this model is targeting. It refers to the sections of the customers being targeted and having product, price, place and promotional activities to attract them. Red Bull implements their pricing strategies to attract their target customers which consist from the higher end of the pyramid. The product is also being designed to attract the sports people and will act as the complementary in their sporting activities. The advertisements are being aired mainly in the sports channels where the target customers will be present. The last step in this model is positioning the brand in the mind of the customers. Red Bull designed their advertisements according to the taste and preference pattern of their target customers. The advertisements and events for Red Bull are being designed in such a way that it will position itself as a sports oriented product in the mind of the customers (Shakhshir 2014). The events sponsored by them are mainly the high octane and adventurous sports which helps them in positioning their products accordingly in the mind of the customers. Evaluation of the marketing activities of Nike As discussed earlier, Nike caters to various segments of the customers. They are having diversified product portfolio ranging from footwear to other sports accessories (Kumar, Gaur and Pattnaik 2012). Accordingly they design their advertisements to cater to the targeted customers. Nike promotes extensive marketing strategies involving celebrities from different fields. It helps in increasing their market penetration and enhancing their brand identity among their potential customers. The advertisements of Nike targeted in promoting the utility of the products and the associated innovations with it. Nike mainly promotes their products in terms of their innovations and thus their advertisements also portray the innovative ideas attached with the particular products (Calin 2012). It helps them to aware the customers in having the knowledge about the features that are distinctive from others. Thus, with the help of the marketing activities, their competitive advantages get conveyed effect ively to the customers. Moreover, association with the various sports teams helps them to target the customers from the specific regions. The goodwill and reputation associated with the teams helps them in penetrating their products more effectively in the respective markets. Success of the marketing strategies for Red Bull The unique approach of the marketing activities of Red Bull helped them in creating a unique brand image in the mind of the customers. Customers relate Red Bull with adventures and sports. This has been made possible due to the effective and innovative marketing strategies being implemented by them. Porter generic strategies will be used to determine the competitive advantages being gained by them from their marketing activities. According to this model, the first aspect is cost leadership (Valipour, Birjandi and Honarbakhsh 2012). The marketing activities of Red Bull are not targeted for cost leadership in the market rather than the premium pricing of their products is creating a separate entity in the mind of their targeted customers. The second aspect is differentiation strategy. Red Bull maintains an effective differentiation strategy by implementing premium pricing, niche target segments and related marketing activities. It helps them in creating a distinctive image in the crowd ed market of various other competitors. The taste of their drinks, choice of sponsored events and design of the marketing campaign helps them to create the distinctive image among the customers (Valipour, Birjandi and Honarbakhsh 2012). Thus, having the close substitutes in the market, Red Bull is maintaining their unique image among their customers. The last aspect is focus. Majority of the competitors of Red Bull operates in the same market segments at the same price levels. However, the marketing activities of Red Bull are being targeted towards the niche market where they are operating (Yang 2012). The utility of their products along with the marketing channels being used are being designed according to the preference pattern of their target segments. This helps them in maintaining the customer loyalty among their targeted segments. Success of the marketing strategies for Nike Nike is also one of the most prominent organizations having successful and extensive marketing activities. According to the porter generic strategies, the cost leadership is being maintained by Nike with reducing the cost of production of their products by outsourcing their manufacturing facilities to the countries having low labor cost. Moreover, the forward integration by them also helps in controlling the retail price by their own. It helps them in competing with the competitors in every price levels. The next aspect is differentiation strategy. The main differentiation strategy being implemented by Nike is their innovations in their products (Wagner III and Hollenbeck 2014). The products of Nike are being known for their innovative approach. It helps them in creating a separate image in the mind of the customers. The last aspect is focus strategy. The focus market for Nike is the sports people and people looking for higher end casual shoes. It includes both the genders. The marke ting activities of Nike are being designed to target this specific focus market (Baker 2014). Association with the sports teams and events helps them in attracting their targeted customers. Brand identity further increased among them. Conclusion Having analyzed the marketing activities of Red Bull and Nike, it can be concluded that they both have implemented an effective marketing strategy which is helping them to maintain their competitive advantages over their competitors. Marketing strategies plays a huge role in making their brand exposed to more number of customers. Moreover, the distinctive features of their products are being properly communicated with the help of their marketing activities. Thus, it can be said that maintaining these activities will help them to maintain their market leadership position in the long run. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Baker, M.J., 2014.Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. C?lin, G., 2012. Strategies for increasing marketing flexibility: An application of the service dominant logic.MB School. Ellickson, P.B., Misra, S. and Nair, H.S., 2012. Repositioning dynamics and pricing strategy.Journal of Marketing Research,49(6), pp.750-772. Pangarkar, N. (2017).Forbes Welcome. [online] Forbes.com. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesasia/2013/06/24/the-wind-behind-red-bulls-wings/#6161b9e67b79 [Accessed 9 Aug. 2017]. Sanusi, M. (2017).How Nike's marketing strategies helped it become a global brand. [online] Businesstoday.in. Available at: https://www.businesstoday.in/magazine/lbs-case-study/nike-marketing-strategies-global-brand/story/207237.html [Accessed 9 Aug. 2017]. Shakhshir, G., 2014. Positioning strategies development.The Annals Of The University Of Oradea,977, pp.416-437. Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R., 2014.Social media marketing. Sage. Urde, M., 2013. The corporate brand identity matrix.Journal of Brand Management,20(9), pp.742-761. Valipour, H., Birjandi, H. and Honarbakhsh, S., 2012. The effects of cost leadership strategy and product differentiation strategy on the performance of firms.Journal of Asian Business Strategy,2(1), p.14. Wagner III, J.A. and Hollenbeck, J.R., 2014.Organizational behavior: Securing competitive advantage. Routledge. Yang, L.R., 2012. Implementation of project strategy to improve new product development performance.International Journal of Project Management,30(7), pp.760-770.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Hamlet Essays (2546 words) - English Drama, English Literature

Hamlet Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare that very closely follows the dramatic conventions of revenge in Elizabethan theater. All revenge tragedies originally stemmed from the Greeks, who wrote and performed the first plays. After the Greeks came Seneca who was very influential to all Elizabethan tragedy writers. Seneca who was Roman, basically set all of the ideas and the norms for all revenge play writers in the Renaissance era including William Shakespeare. The two most famous English revenge tragedies written in the Elizabethan era were Hamlet, written by Shakespeare and The Spanish Tragedy, written by Thomas Kyd. These two plays used mostly all of the Elizabethan conventions for revenge tragedies in their plays. Hamlet especially incorporated all revenge conventions in one way or another, which truly made Hamlet a typical revenge play. ?Shakespeare's Hamlet is one of many heroes of the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage who finds himself grievously wronged by a powerful figure, with no recourse to the law, and with a crime against his family to avenge.? Seneca was among the greatest authors of classical tragedies and there was not one educated Elizabethan who was unaware of him or his plays. There were certain stylistic and different strategically thought out devices that Elizabethan playwrights including Shakespeare learned and used from Seneca's great tragedies. The five act structure, the appearance of some kind of ghost, the one line exchanges known as stichomythia, and Seneca's use of long rhetorical speeches were all later used in tragedies by Elizabethan playwrights. Some of Seneca's ideas were originally taken from the Greeks when the Romans conquered Greece, and with it they took home many Greek theatrical ideas. Some of Seneca's stories that originated from the Greeks like Agamemnon and Thyestes which dealt with bloody family histories and revenge captivated the Elizabethans. Seneca's stories weren't really written for performance purposes, so if English playwrights liked his ideas, they had to figure out a way to make the story theatrically workable, relevant and exciting to the Elizabethan audience who were very demanding. Seneca's influence formed part of a developing tradition of tragedies whose plots hinge on political power, forbidden sexuality, family honor and private revenge. ?There was no author who exercised a wider or deeper influence upon the Elizabethan mind or upon the Elizabethan form of tragedy than did Seneca.? For the dramatists of Renaissance Italy, France and England, classical tragedy meant only the ten Latin plays of Seneca and not Euripides, Aeschylus and Sophocles. ?Hamlet is certainly not much like any play of Seneca's one can name, but Seneca is undoubtedly one of the effective ingredients in the emotional charge of Hamlet. Hamlet without Seneca is inconceivable.? During the time of Elizabethan theater, plays about tragedy and revenge were very common and a regular convention seemed to be formed on what aspects should be put into a typical revenge tragedy. In all revenge tragedies first and foremost, a crime is committed and for various reasons laws and justice cannot punish the crime so the individual who is the main character, goes through with the revenge in spite of everything. The main character then usually had a period of doubt , where he tries to decide whether or not to go through with the revenge, which usually involves tough and complex planning. Other features that were typical were the appearance of a ghost, to get the revenger to go through with the deed. The revenger also usually had a very close relationship with the audience through soliloquies and asides. The original crime that will eventually be avenged is nearly always sexual or violent or both. The crime has been committed against a family member of the revenger. ? The revenger places himself outside the normal moral order of things, and often becomes more isolated as the play progresses-an isolation which at its most extreme becomes madness.? The revenge must be the cause of a catastrophe and the beginning of the revenge must start immediately after the crisis. After the ghost persuades the revenger to commit his deed, a hesitation first occurs and then a delay by the avenger before killing the murderer, and his actual or acted out madness. The revenge must be taken

Monday, November 25, 2019

Setting up a Private Business Optometry Business

Setting up a Private Business Optometry Business The optometry center project entails the development of a total eye care centre. The optometrist store will carry out activities such as clinical assessment of eyes and prescribing to customers the right products. The store will offer glasses, sunglasses, and contact lenses.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Setting up a Private Business: Optometry Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The project is viable in that almost 480,000 Australians are visually impaired. This makes the Optometry and Optical Dispensing industry a target for many investors. The industry could generate revenue of $1.57 billion, indicating an increase of almost 0.8% from 2010. In terms of total spending in the health care sector, Optometry and Optical Dispensing industry takes 0.8% of the total expenditure. Thus, prior to commencement of the business, the entrepreneur needs to source viable suppliers, medical staff, and the right equipment an d also find the right channels to market the products (Zurn et al., 2004; Sullivan Steven, 2003). The project intends to provide the community with health requirements and consequently fill the gaps in the market. After developing the project, we have inculcated the requirements needed in any optometry business. Most of these are competitors and development of SMART objectives (Sekaran, 2005). For instance, initially we thought the project had very few competitors but having been located in an affluent neighborhood; competition from other private businesses was likely to crop up. Thus, to beat this, we had to develop strategies such as the 40 minutes free consultation time. Additionally, the event was a complete learning experience for the members as sources of money were not real. This became a real constraint on our part, coupled with the sourcing of products for the project. Thus in future, prior to any business venture, one needs to plan ahead and have other sources of money ot her than completely relying on the allocation of funds, perhaps, from the health care industry. Further, employee satisfaction is also important in such a business as it avoids unpleasant surprises such as employee resignation and ensuring that turnover is maintained over the years (O’Brien Dowling, 2000; Freeman, 2000). This is especially vital in a competitive industry as well as an income generating industry in the sense that most of the populations have eye care problems. A notable significance of the venture in the learning process was the few constraints we identified, while completely ignoring other vital aspects such as maintenance of the right stock. In such a business, however, bulk buying is vital as economies of scale would mostly apply (Armstrong, 2006).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Further, the creation of customer-tailored products is very vital as this makes the customer develop a one on one relationship with the retailer. In future developments, customer satisfaction, product quality, the need to consider reigning competition and development of the most current products are among the key factors to consider prior to engaging in any business. Product sourcing was realized to be hectic in the sense that in the optometry industry, many people would like to keep abreast with the latest fashions. Thus it is vital to maintain the same especially for an affluent neighborhood (Meng, 2000). In future endeavors, entrepreneurs need to think of more than a single source of capital, various suppliers and the competition they are bound to face. This was a limitation to our project. Reference List Armstrong, M. 2006. A handbook of human resource management practice. London; Kogan Page Publishers Freeman, R. 2000. ‘Job satisfaction as an economic variable’. American Economic Review, 68: 135-141. Meng, R. 2000. ‘ The relationship between unions and job satisfaction. Applied Economics, 22:1635-1648. O’Brien, G. E. P. Dowling. 2000. ‘Age and job satisfaction.’ Australian Psychologist, 16, 49-61. Sekaran, U. 2005. Research methods for business: A skill-building approach (4th Ed.). New York: John Wiley Sons.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Setting up a Private Business: Optometry Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sullivan, A. Steven, M. S. 2003. Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Zurn, P., Dal Poz, M. R., Stillwell, B., Adams, O. 2004. ‘Imbalance in the health workforce’. Human Resources for Health, 2 (13), 45- 69

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Manifest Destiny Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Manifest Destiny - Essay Example The originally-thought of as divine destiny to help other nations became an intense selfish purpose to divide and conquer other nations, not just northward, which justified the original term â€Å"continentalism† but also westward, or the whole world ultimately. This belief became a source of division among the American nation, particularly on the issue of â€Å"All Oregon or Nothing†. During the Anglo-American Convention of 1818 which discussed the joint occupation by the United States and Great Britain of the Oregon Country, the British government refused the idea of then President John Tyler to divide the Oregon Country along the 49th parallel. Instead, the British suggested that a boundary line along Columbia River be made. This was objected to by the advocates of Manifest Destiny. They wanted the whole Oregon Country instead of sharing it with the British. They demanded that annexation be made (otherwise known as 54degrees 40’N). Then Presidential candidate James Polk proposed to divide the Oregon Country along the 49th parallel. Again, the British refused the proposal. Advocates of Manifest Destiny cried out for â€Å"The Fifty-Four Forty or None!† When Polk became President, he insinuated to terminate the joint occupation agreement. Thus, the British had no option but to accede to the proposal of dividing Oregon Country along the 49th parallel. The Oregon Treaty of 1846 was born

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What effect did World War II have on the nation's industries, and how Essay

What effect did World War II have on the nation's industries, and how did the war revolutionize the U.S. economy both immediately and in the long term - Essay Example Women came out to work in masses. Nearly 19 million women were employed in various jobs in 1944. Most of the money the women earned went to savings, improving the economy of the country preposterously.1 When the soldiers started to return home after the war, the families were eager to spend on happy reunions. Also thousands of men returning from the battlefields needed employment. This led to massive increase in the consumer products market.i There were just 8 shopping malls in the U.S. by the end of the war, which increased to over 3500 by 1960. The Eisenhower era2 which prevented another catastrophic atomic war boosted the growth of several industries which transformed into huge corporate companies in the later part of the century.ii The rapid emergence of the equality in rights propaganda in the post war period, led to the framing of Civil Rights Act of 1964, the most revolutionary legislative piece in the U.S history. It eliminated all racial, ethnic and gender based discrimination in the working area, making the country a haven for labor

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Concept Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Concept Description - Essay Example Small-scale producers gain through Rare Tea’s buying harvests up-front by saving associated costs for their distribution. What is unique about the product of Rare Tea is the presence of trust it places with its small-scale producers that could generate high-standard quality of best-tasting tea in the world. Adhering to this leads to buyer-producers relationship, which the bottom line is to hold fast to product quality and sustainability, while Rare Tea continues to take charge of the entire distribution through buying harvests up-front. Ensuring the best quality and sustainable supplies of best-tasting tea leaves is a remarkable way of giving high value for customers’ needs. This is to make sure that the customers will always have the quality product the moment they need it. In addition, the existence of fair trade from farm to customers would guarantee generating the right price for the product. The Rare Tea, as a small-scale company is trying to beat highly established vast private tea farms. Its long-standing relationship with producers under small-range farming allows it to explore vast opportunity across the world as there are independent tea farmers waiting for their break. Aggregating all their productions could help Rare Tea Company address the prevailing market demand for quality tea products. As a small company, Rare Tea needs to expand, which would require funding coming from highly established financial institutions. Potential investors seeing Rare Tea’s business sustainability may express possibility to start their investment with the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Loss of Top Predators in the Ocean

Loss of Top Predators in the Ocean It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the sign of deterioration within the population dynamics of marine apex predators. Sharks, mammals, and large teleost fish amongst others species, play a critical role in maintaining a stable and balanced marine ecosystem by regulating species abundance, diversity, and distribution (Stier et al., 2016). Recently, researchers have shown an interest in the increasing densities of medium size predators known as the mesopredators due to rapid decline in apex predators (Brook et al., 2008). However, these rapid changes are having a serious adverse effect on the marine community, thereby leading to a top-down trophic cascade due to the removal of a top predator (Shackell et al., 2010). To be more specific, the loss of top predators affects the aquatic community on a number of levels: trophic, behavioral, and populations. This essay will provide an overview and highlight the importance of top predators in marine ecosystem as well as change in trophic levels and behavioral patterns that affect the aquatic food web. Apex predators have been victim to human imposed activities such as overexploitation through fishing industries, habitats destruction, introduction of invasive species and increased anthropogenic pollutants creating unfavorable conditions to thrive (Madin et al., 2016). The major impact relating to loss of top predators manifests in the trophic aspect following in a close correlation between the decline of the predators and preys (Baum and Worm, 2009). Extensive research indicates that the existences of the invasive species has a negative contribution towards the top predators (De Poorter et al., 2010). For example, in 1980s the comb jelly fish (Ctenophora) originally from North America was introduced in the black sea, which lead to a dramatic alteration within the food chain, thus releasing toxin causing the death a total of 14 humpback whales (De Poorter et al., 2010). On the other hand, overfishing across the globe has led to 90% decrease in large shark biomass regionally (Heupel et al., 2014). Due to the decline of larger sharks it has led to the inflexion of a particular ray species which diet constitute about 70% of scallops thus contributed towards the drop of scallop fishery causing ecological and economic losses in the North Atlantic Ocean (Ferretti et al., 2010) (Grubbs et al., 2013). For instance, a research conducted on the U.S eastern seaboard indicates that a decrease in 11 types of large sharks results in the additio n of 12 to 14 small mesoconsumers (Madin et al., 2016). Additionally, a decline in catch rates of 13 large pelagic predators results in an upsurge catch of pelagic stingrays and other small animals (Madin et al., 2016). Furthermore, studies showed that decline in the Canadian cod (Gadus morhua), led to the upsurge in the number of small pelagic and marine invertebrates. As a result, this has led to the cascading alterations in the copepod in addition to the phytoplankton communities (Araà ºjo and Bundy, 2012). Studies have also shown that shifts in the diet by destroyer whales, which move along the Aleutian island have resulted from a reduction in the number of sea otters present in the island. In effect, urchins are released from the predations thereby causing the reduction of kelp forest due to their overgrazing (Heithaus et al., 2008). Therefore, it is evident that there is a close connection between the decline of the predators and the prey in the ecosystems. Another aspect that should be closely examined is the behavioral one. The scholars believe that aquatic life uses the behavioral responses to different risk in efforts to avoid encountering predators. For instance, dolphins and other animals forage in productive shallow seagrass during a time when the number of sharks is reduced. However, they move to less industrious but harmless surroundings when the population of sharks in the ecosystem is high (Griffin et al., 2008). Additionally, when top predator disappear the mesoconsumer population increases and may shift their behavior in foraging pattern, which affect the ecosystem. For instance, shark and killer whale help maintain the seal population but due to loss in numbers the fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) in New Zealand thrives causing the temperate reef fish (morwong Chelilodactulus nigripes) to reduce foraging effort, leading to reduced grazing on turf algae (Heithaus et al., 2008). The impacts of behavior response to predation risks among the prey may include experiencing energetic cost and the lack of adequate utilization of resources (Langerhans, 2007). As such, their growth and reproductive outputs are limited in the ecosystems by the predation risks (Abdulla, 2004). In other cases, the risks of tiger sharks limit the number of prey and activate trophic cascades. Tiger sharks ultimately decrease browsing on the sea grasses in risky places but escalating in harmless environments that are portrayed in longitudinal processes of seagrass nutritional components (Griffin et al., 2008). Having examined all the points, that were mentioned in the paragraphs above, one is able to come to the following conclusion: top predators are important as they regulate the species abundance, diversity, and distribution that contribute to a healthy marine ecosystem. The significance of the risk effects as well as individual predator species depends on the community diversity, habitat heterogeneity, life history features of mesoconsumers and predators. A decrease in the predator diversity in some occasions leads to positive impacts on the mesoconsumers (Baum and Worm, 2009). The comparative impacts of specific predator type elimination can decrease per an upsurge in variety, which relies on the pursuing strategies utilized by the alienated slayers in the population. The environmental structures have an influence on the ecological effects of top predators declines as well as the relative strengths of risk effects. Furthermore, the decreased number of predators results in the increase d prey populations and other adverse effects such as shifting coral reefs to algae dominated habitats, a decline of seagrass among others. Resent research states the predators play a major role in carbon cycling within the ocean (Atwood et al., 2015). Therefore, there is the need to protect these predators from future declines through establishing some effective strategies. The strategies may include decreasing the demand for shark products, reducing the number of top predators reared for commercial fisheries and ensuring improved management. References Abdulla, A., 2004. Predator-prey interactions in coral reef fish: The implications of Predation risk on the behavior and growth of prey (Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University). Atwood, T.B., Connolly, R.M., Ritchie, E.G., Lovelock, C.E., Heithaus, M.R., Hays, G.C., Fourgurean, J.W and Macreadie, P.I., 2015. Predators help protect carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystem. Nature Climate Change, 5(12), pp. 1038-1045. Araujo, J.N. and Bundy, A., 2012. Effects of environmental change, fisheries and trophodynamics on the ecosystem of the western Scotian Shelf, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 464, pp.51-67. Baum, J.K. and Worm, B., 2009. Cascading top down effects of changing oceanic predator abundances. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78(4), pp.699-714. Bourdaud, P., Gascuel, D., Bentorcha, A. and BrindAmour, A., 2016. New trophic indicators and target values for an ecosystem-based management of fisheries. Ecological Indicators, 61, pp.588-601. De Poorter, M., Darby, C. and MacKay, J., 2010. Marine Menace. Alien invasive species in the marine environment, IUCN. Edwards, H., 2016. When Predators Become Prey: The Need For International Shark Conservation. Ocean and Coastal Law Journal, 12(2), p.5. Ferretti, F., Worm, B., Britten, G.L., Heithaus, M.R. and Lotze, H.K., 2010. Patterns and ecosystem consequences of shark declines in the ocean. Ecology letters, 13(8), pp.1055-1071. Griffin, E., Miller, K., Freitas, B. and Hirshfield, M., 2008. Oceana: Predators as Prey: Why Healthy Oceans Need Sharks. Grubbs, R.D., Carlson, J.K., Romine, J.G., Curtis, T. and McElroy, D., 2013. Save the bay, eat a ray: a purported trophic cascade mediated by declines in large shark populations and the consequences of applying simplistic models to complex ecosystems. Conference abstract. In 141st American Fisheries Society meeting. American Fisheries Society, CITY, Maryland. Abstract_Book_ (pp. 9-20). Heithaus, M.R., Frid, A., Wirsing, A.J. and Worm, B., 2008. Predicting ecological consequences of marine top predator declines. Trends in Ecology Evolution, 23(4), pp.202-210 Heupel, M.R., Knip, D.M., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Dulvy, N.K., 2014. Sizing up the ecological role of sharks as predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 495, pp.291-298. Langerhans, B.R., 2007. Evolutionary consequences of predation: avoidance, escape, reproduction, and diversification. In Predation in Organisms. Springer Nature, pp. 177-220. Madin, E.M., Dill, L.M., Ridlon, A.D., Heithaus, M.R. and Warner, R.R., 2016. Human activities change marine ecosystems by altering predation risk. Global change biology, 22(1), pp.44-60. Myers, R.A., Baum, J.K., Shepherd, T.D., Powers, S.P. and Peterson, C.H., 2007. Cascading effects of the loss of apex predatory sharks from a coastal ocean. Science, 315(5820), pp.1846-1850. Shackell, N.L., Frank, K.T., Fisher, J.A.D., Petrie, B. and Leggett, W.C. 2010. Decline in top predator body size and changing climate alter trophic structure in an oceanic ecosystem, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1686), pp. 1353-1360. Stier, A.C., Samhouri, J.F., Novak, M., Marshall, K.N., Ward, E.J., Holt, R.D. and Levin, P.S. 2016. Ecosystem context and historical contingency in apex predator recoveries, 2(5). Thomsen, S.K. and Green, D.J., 2016. Cascading effects of predation risk determine how marine predators become terrestrial prey on an oceanic island. Ecology, 97(12), pp.3530-3537.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Abortion Essay - GOD is Pro-life :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Abortion: GOD is Pro-life The reason I am pro-life, and oppose abortion, is because GOD is pro-life, and opposes abortion. Scriptural evidence of this is abundant; consider the words of Ps. 139:13-14: "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." God then forbids the taking of innocent life [viz. a life not guilty of a capital crime, according to the law of God]. This is evident from verses such as Ex. 23:7, which says this: "Keep yourself far from a false matter; DO NOT KILL THE INNOCENT and righteous. For I will not justify the wicked Next, we ought to address our second question: Why not sit on our hands, and wait for the Lord to take us out of the wicked world? This is a very pertinent question today, and it directly affects a large percentage of evangelical Christians in America. Many are silent on abortion (and other abominations) because they believe that they can do nothing, and that the darker the days become the closer the coming of the Lord. In other words, "Why shine the rails on a sinking ship?" This view, though prominent, is perverse and anti-Scriptural. Christ our Lord commanded that we go into the world and spread the Gospel of grace, and in so doing bring about real change, and the extension of the kingdom of Jesus, our Risen Sovereign. Here are Christ's words to us, from Matt. 28:19-20: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Our third query is related to what we just observed, but it has its own nuance to it: "With the whole world against us, why put up a fight at all?" This is a faithless point of view, and it denies the ultimate power of God over the universe. On top of that, how would we have liked it if God took an attitude and approach like this to our salvation: "Since they're such wicked sinners--I'll just send them all to Hell!?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Carnival Corporation Case Study Essay

Carnival Corporation as the largest cruise line in the world is being a leader and innovator in the cruise line industry. Many of the onboard activities and services were introduced to strengthen the competencies between competitors. The challenges of the Carnival were being overcome by the management with creative and innovative strategies. As a corporate entity, Carnival did not refuse to withdraw money to settle the ocean pollution charged by public. The expansions of cruise line market via acquisition of a few subsidiaries dominate the cruise line in the world. 1. Strengths (internal factors) First, the largest cruise line in the world, as the leader and innovator in the cruise industry (growth from two converted ocean liners into an organization with multiples cruise lines). Second, the belief of management and Board of Directors that the company will grows better. It motivates the employees to work hard. Third, internal grow in term of vessels that approximately ten vessels are under construction. Fourth, employees loyalty (the longest period employees remain in this organization is around eight years) because Carnival management treating well to their employees in terms of wages). Fifth, creative and innovative corporate officers that is ready to face challenges. Sixth, Carnival has operational experience and economic of scales that causing them to have lowest break even point in the same industry. Weaknesses First, in 1972, the speed of ship was slow. Second, the long-term debt within 1999 and 2001 is increased (the payback of debt may lower the revenue and thus decreasing the dividend payment for shareholders). Third, the expand market (business) of Carnival causing the difficulty in managing the business. Fourth, reducing on net income in 2001 is because of higher costs and expenses. 2. Opportunities (external factors) First, the expansion through acquisition can reduce the competitors in same industry and has the ability to compete with other competitors (lower advertising costs). Second, collaboration with travel agents can promote cruises. Third, the industry is expected to have bright future in passengers, consolidation through mergers, buyout, and smaller cruise operator failure, and the expansion of the industry worldwide. Fourth, expand of target customers from older people to younger people. Fifth, expand of onboard activities (casino, disco, and nightclub). Threats First, terrorist events that were happen in 11 September 2001. Second, negative publicity in 2002 where Carnival subjected by the ocean pollution charges and â€Å"Norwalk-like† virus that affect the cruise industry. Third, the increased of fuel costs and airline costs that affect the industry. Fourth, the failure of Carnival discontinued operations of Fiesta marina Lines that affect the company image. Fifth, Persian Gulf War that was increased competitors in the cruise industry especially in Caribbean area. Sixth, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines had institute a major shipbuilding program that challenges Carnival. The emergence of Walt Disney Company in the cruise market; and the prospect of new ships on the horizon give impact to the â€Å"family† cruise vacation segment. 3. Core competencies Yes, Carnival has core competencies because it is the competency crosses divisional boundaries, Carnival can do exceedingly well, and must continuously reinvest in it: i) Adding diversion onboard – such as disco, nightclubs, casino, and others. Carnival also tries to attract younger cruisers by providing vacation package that included airfare to the port of embarkation and home after the cruise. ii) Product positioning – Carnival believes that cruise market comprised to three segments (contemporary, premium, luxury) with different passenger demographics, characteristics, and growth requirements. iii) Travel agents – collaborate with travel agents to promote cruises. Carnival also training travel agents from nonaffiliated travel firm to sell cruises. 4. Distinctive competencies Yes, Carnival has distinctive competencies because distinctive competency is the superior to those of the competitions and difficult for competitors to compete with Carnival: i) Investment in new ships – Carnival is expanding its internal growth by investing in new ships. The ships under constructions are around 10 vessels. It is difficult for other competitors to invest in these large numbers of ships in same period but Carnival can do. ii) External expansion through acquisitions – Carnival has five subsidiaries that control the major cruise lines in different countries. This causing Carnival becomes as the largest cruise line in the world. 5. What trends are emerging in cruise industry?  i) The adding diversion onboard such as planned activities, disco, nightclubs, casino, and other forms of entertainment activities (different kinds of activities that suitable for different ages of target customers). ii) Moderate priced vacation for younger cruisers that included airfare to the port of embarkation and home after the cruise. iii) All inclusive packages that began with bags were tagged for the ship at the airport, air-conditioned bus, meals, onboard activities, house keeping service, until passengers were transported back to airport. iv) Love story movie such as â€Å"Titanic† and â€Å"Love boat† that promote the romance onboard encouraging couples to join cruise. 6. Marketing strategy i) Price – moderate price (vacation packages) that middle-class clients afford to pay. Prices for different levels of rooms are charged according to the customers needs. ii) Product – vacation package that suitable for the clients aged. Other onboard activities such as casino and disco. The service from picking up the clients at airport to board and dropping clients again at airport. iii) Place – Caribbean ports and other destination such as Walt Disney World, Holland, and Costa, as long as the clients want to go. iv) Promotion – some of the promotions are done by travel agents. The â€Å"Fun Ship† cruise that with designated shipboard party and everyone is welcomed by Carnival is another success promotion. 7. The importance of travel agents The travel agents will help Carnival to promote the cruises as an alternative to Disney or European vacation. For people who never take a cruise in their life, or afraid of taking a flight to the destinations will be attracted. Thus, it shows that the important role of travel agents to Carnival. Besides that, not only attracting clients to take a cruise as the core business, selling cruise is also part of the Carnival business. Thus, Carnival is training travel agents from nonaffiliated travel firms to sell cruise. Because of the attractive benefit in term of money provided by Carnival, in year 2000, Carnival took reservations from about 29000 travel agencies to promote the business. And, it proves that this strategy in promoting cruises either to attract clients boarding the cruise or selling the cruise is succeed. 8. Flight or cruise? We will choose cruise because we have not travel yet to some where by cruise before. i) In our opinion, although the price for a cruise might be higher a bit than to take a flight to Caribbean island that we can afford to pay. By choosing a package for the cruising is worth because there will be variety of services that suitable for us as active younger cruisers rather than just to sit in the flight and we have nothing to do. ii) Even though cruise may take a longer time to reach Caribbean island, the final destination that we will reach is Caribbean island no matter we take a cruise or flight. Thus, we can enjoy the onboard facilities that we have paid for. Disco, nightclubs, gym room, cinema, and casino are the places that we seldom go for but we can enjoy if we take a cruise for this vacation. iii) Cruise is a place that we can relax ourselves since the purpose of travel is to relax our mind. The sea view from a ship can make us happy and reduce our stress. On the other hand, we c an also meet some new friends through this trip. iv) Besides, we can experience some exotic destinations when the cruise will sail in the ports. The cruisers can come down from the vessel and visit some famous spots. Adversely, if we take flight, we can’t visit anywhere except just transit in airport. 9. Evaluation of Carnival’s targeting to specific target market i) Contemporary segment – served by Carnival ships, featured a casual ambiance. ii) Premium segment — served by Holland America, for longer market and appealed to more affluent consumers iii) Luxury segment – served by Seabourn and Cunard, catered to experience cruisers. The above are the target market for Carnival. Each segment has different types of costs to be charged to consumers. For the contemporary segment, it is more suitable for family and people who need relaxing during a short period of holidays. The price is cheaper than premium or luxury segment. For the premium segment, it is more suitable for affluent consumers, who need a longer period to relax. It normally targets an older people to board because the facilities in the ship are more suitable for their ages. This segment of cruise will have more cabin or public space per person. In term of price, it is the most expensive and little people can afford to pay. The price for this segment is higher than contemporary segment. Not everyone will prefer this segment of cruise because they need to consider the available time for taking the cruise. The luxury segment targets for extremely rich consumers where they were served as â€Å"king† and â€Å"queen† in the ship. The consumers who taking this segment of cruise can show that they have a higher social status and prestige is the main consider by consumers. 10. Strategic management in Carnival Carnival has a very unique and successful strategic management in cruise industry. During terrorist events in 2001, the world cruise industry was negatively impact by it. However, to overcome this problem, Carnival offered a deep discount to lure back the passengers. In year 2002, Carnival was subjected to the ocean pollution charges. The company was withdrawing $18 million to overcome this issue. This strategy is not only to overcome the issue ethically but also to maintain the company image. Carnival is doing well in pricing strategy where they offer different kinds of packages with moderate price for different kinds of customers. To improve the core competency of the company, Carnival tried to increase the services onboard and adding diversions onboard. Even though other cruise company can imitate this strategy but Carnival is the first to invent the same strategy that succeeds to gain revenue from it. Carnival tried to introduce new strategy to make more convenience to consumers such as the â€Å"all-inclusive package†. The main purpose of this strategy is to maximize the satisfaction of consumers on Carnival services. Finally, to reduce the competition in cruise industry and to compete with other competitors in the same industry, Carnival did acquisition on many cruise lines as subsidiaries. The expansion of Carnival in cruise line market through acquisition can tighten the status of Carnival in cruise industry. 11. The advantage of being a CFC The individuals (foreigners or locals) who held the stocks of Carnival under the CFC status are incorporation exempt shipping operations of United States persons from income tax. Carnival with all of its income (except of United State source of income from transportation, hotel and tour business of Holland America) would be exempt from United State federal income taxes at the corporate level. This exemption not only can increase the revenue of Carnival, it also allows the company to have more funds (liquidation assets) to run more projects or activities for the company. The reason of government to give exemption to Carnival is because to encourage this industry to growth and attract more passengers boarding on ship, especially the ship with casino. It will increase the government sources of money. 12. How to maintain low costs, high level of service? i) Vertical integration or outsourcing – Carnival can try to produce in-house or outsource the products or services in related industries such as shipbuilding, meal preparation industry, and transportation (bus). This is because either vertical integration or outsourcing, which contributes the lowest cost, will be the choice of Carnival to either produce in-house or to outsource the needs. The good relation with suppliers can guarantee the best quality of the products or services. The in-house produce (vertical integration) can guarantee for the high level of products and services quality. ii) Maintain employees – Experienced employees can be the senior for the new comers. They can train and guide the new workers while doing a task rather than the company to send them for training course. Thus, maintaining experienced employees can save the labor cost and maintain the service quality to passengers. iii) Maintain crui se standard (such as sanitary standard) by periodically checking to avoid break down during cruising and it may need higher cost to repair and bring inconvenience to passengers. Conclusion The success of Carnival is depends on the innovative Board of Directors and management. The growth of cruise market becomes more significant because of the low fares high quality of service. Carnival is dominating the cruise line market but they still do investment in improving the services so that to avoid the core competencies become the weaknesses of the company. Even though the net profit of year 2001 is decreased but it did not mean that they have weak internal control. External factors such as increased in fuel cost also are considered the factor in the declining profit. Finally, Carnival has the potential to grow in cruise line market because they already gained the experience in cruise line and they have strong financial to support many cruise activities.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gun Control and its Controversies essays

Gun Control and its Controversies essays Gun Control and its Controversies The arguments on gun control have been a very controversial and ongoing debate between many well respected individuals. Doctors, Lawyers, Media, Criminologists, and many others have all been debating on whether or not the government should pass stricter laws on gun control. Government, individuals, among others have supported independent studies to prove their point on the issues of gun control. Numerous laws have been passed in regard to these studies on gun control over the years. In the essay, Just Take Away Their Guns, James Q .Wilson stated that guns should be taken away from the criminals and not the law abiding citizens. In Wilsons essay, he includes a household survey by Gary Kleck, which estimates that there are more people who defend themselves with a gun than people arrested to violent crimes and burglaries. Wilson then supports the Second Amendment which allows people the right to bear arms. Therefore, he thinks taking guns away from individuals would not be the most effective way to reduce illegal guns from being used. He states all individuals with handguns should have a permit and the law officers should take away all others. Wilson then states that a person that gives reasonable suspicion should be able to be frisked or have a gun detector used on them. In Wilsons opinion letting the proper authorities fulfill their duties, allowing individuals to have handguns for self-defense, and controlling the criminals use of the handguns is the only way to control guns. Another essay entitled, Concealed Carry Prevents Violent Crimes by Sarah Thompson states that gun control should definitely not be taken from the law abiding citizens, instead steps should be taken to keep guns away from criminals. She agrees that the Second Amendment saying the individual has the right to have guns. The studies included in her essa...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Electromagnetic Induction and Faradays Law

Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday's Law Electromagnetic induction (also known as Faradays law of electromagnetic induction or just induction, but not to be confused with inductive reasoning), is a process where a conductor placed in a changing magnetic field (or a conductor moving through a stationary magnetic field) causes the production of a voltage across the conductor. This process of electromagnetic induction, in turn, causes an electrical current- it is said to induce the current. Discovery of Electromagnetic Induction Michael Faraday is given credit for the discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1831, though some others had noted similar behavior in the years prior to this. The formal name for the physics equation that defines the behavior of an induced electromagnetic field from the magnetic flux (change in a magnetic field) is Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. The process of electromagnetic induction works in reverse as well, so that a moving electrical charge generates a magnetic field. In fact, a traditional magnet  is the result of the individual motion of the electrons within the individual atoms of the magnet, aligned so that the generated magnetic field is in a uniform direction. In non-magnetic materials, the electrons move in such a way that the individual magnetic fields point in different directions, so they cancel each other out and the net magnetic field generated is negligible. Maxwell-Faraday Equation The more generalized equation is one of Maxwells equations, called the Maxwell-Faraday equation, which defines the relationship between changes in electrical fields and magnetic fields. It takes the form of: ∇Ãâ€"E – ∂B / ∂t where the ∇Ãâ€" notation is known as the curl operation, the E is the electric field (a vector quantity) and B is the magnetic field (also a vector quantity). The symbols ∂ represent the partial differentials, so the right-hand of the equation is the negative partial differential of the magnetic field with respect to time. Both E and B are changing in terms of time t, and since they are moving the position of the fields are also changing.

Monday, November 4, 2019

In Much Ado about Nothing, what is the relationship between female Essay

In Much Ado about Nothing, what is the relationship between female power and language - Essay Example The researcher states that in the play â€Å"Much Ado about Nothing† Shakespeare uses language to bring out the message passed on to the audience. Power of language is used in the comedy. He uses wooing, destroys, and gives bad reputation then he restores honor. Shakespeare also teaches of the social life and structure. He informs us that there is a gap or conflict between women and men. They do not coexist peacefully at all. In the comedy men treat women differently. Women do not have a position in society. This is seen in the part where a man like Don John who deceives a prince in order to defame the honor of a woman. This indicates or shows the problems in the power status and structure of social co-existence. When the relationship of Beatrice and Benedick is put into consideration in â€Å"Much ado† one of the most crucial themes is around gender, roles according to gender and the dissimilarities between women and men. It is sarcastic that a low ranking member of th e society is the one who exposes the bad habit of Don John and his coconspirators (Wick 4). Don John is totally different from his fellow Don Pedro and Claudio, who are very protective male. When they are exposed to Leonato we are able to see the male pride of Conrad and Borachio. Shakespeare is able to bring to us the reality that those men of high status in society, and full of pride are the ones who treat women. Through Shakespeare, it is seen that most people who have bad behavior hide in the dark thinking that what they do can never be discovered. They abuse other people in the name of securing their pride. Shakespeare teaches the audience to criticize the language, role, and even the misuse of the Queen’s English. It is therefore leant that, those who bare false witness intentionally to hurt others end up being unhappy, and end up taking measure that are desperate in order to cover their naked bad behavior. This is a lesson that encourages people to be morally upright, and not use their powers to demean others. Another teaching is of being a hero. Beatrice still marries Claudio after wrongfully being accused of cheating. In another way this can be seen as she did not only do it though love, but to restore honor and faithfulness. This is considered as restoring her social status. Social status is also seen when Benedick has to kill Claudio in order to marry Beatrice. He accepts the challenge so as not to be considered a coward. Women are portrayed accurately in the play. There is the covering of stereotypes of women in the play. All the characters that are female have personalities that are widely varied. This helps to avoid the woman from being too humorous or patronizing. A range of different relationships are formed in the play. All this is due to a variety of social prominence and personalities. The base of this relationship is on sexes that are different. This is male and female. There are also other battles like relationships, conflict and de ceit. Women are seen to be present in all these themes. Many lines are interpreted in diverse ways that show meaning to reflect what is really happening in society. The female characters who are present in the play are Margaret, Hero, Ursula and Beatrice. All of them have personalities that are different. These personalities differ in one way or another. All of these characters that are female and they do not fit in the society of Shakepeare.They are therefore created to add hilarity, contrast or satire. One of them who does not fit and Shakespeare uses her to maximum is Beatrice. In the first scene of the play ,Beatrice is introduced as a woman who is very clever and humorous. She is known to gamble with words in order to prove her point. She is known to be very argumentative

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Acoounting theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Acoounting theory - Essay Example The process of cutting down disparities among national accounting regulations, also referred to as the process of harmonization, has undoubtedly made steps forward since profound work began on it as freshly as 1967. Taking into account the dissimilarities that are present between the accounting goals of nations at various levels of progress and with various legal structures, possibly the astonishing thing is that any development at all has been accomplished in such short notice (McCarthy 2003). There are several theoretical assumptions of categorizing countries when taking into account their accounting requirements. One apparent difference is between the democracies and the authoritarian administrations that govern a great portion of the world. This difference does not match up efficiently to a partition between free enterprise and centrally regulated economies, because there are democracies such in the case of India with a considerable section of the economy in the control of state-owned and state-regulated enterprises, and there are those countries which are communist such as Hungary and Yugoslavia that leave capacity for a number of free enterprise (Solomons 1986). The relevance of this difference for financial accounting depends in the contribution of private investors as well as the capital market. They will commonly be much more relevant in free enterprise economies, and financial accounting will function in the same way more important role in the allocation and dist ribution of scarce resources (ibid, 53). Another evident difference is between the industrialized nations of North America, Europe, Australia and Japan and developing nations of Asia and Africa. Once again, the distinction is one of scale rather than of type. Every country is developing or retrogressing, and accounting has its task to fulfil in that growth in all of them. Majority

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Implement part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Implement part - Essay Example It is pertinent to mention here that the scheduled date of the training course is 6th December 2012, from 0900 hours to 1700 hours at Delta Airline’s Auditorium. Moreover, during the training hours, the employees would not perform their daily office routine work. Therefore, they need to manage their office work scheduled on the training day before or after the training, as per the requirement of the work. You are requested to visit the News section of the internal portal of the Delta Airline to subscribe to get course material well before the training time. The training course is compulsory to attend by all the selected employees, therefore, make it convenient to attend the training course. There are three parts of the format; in the first part the trainer would be provided the learner profile (given above at Appendix – I) and summary analysis. In the second part, the designer of the course would provide the relevant course contents (given at Appendix – II) to the trainer. Furthermore, at this time, the role of the trainer would be a student. In the third part, the designer would provide the instructional materials to the trainer by â€Å"walk-through-talk-through† method. In this way, the trainer having above mentioned qualifications would be trained to provide training to the employees of the Delta Airline. The time duration of the train-the-trainer would be two (2) hours. Initially, there would be an introduction for fifteen (15) minutes that would be followed by the goals and objectives (given in the Office Memorandum) of the training for twenty (20) minutes. The course material (prepared in the development phase) would be provided to the trainer within thirty (30) minutes that would be followed by an informal walk-through for forty five (45) minutes. And in the end, there would be a question-answer session for fifteen (15) minutes. As the participants /

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free

Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness Essay Summary 5 Authoritative Articles â€Å"Racism in Heart of Darkness† Chinua Achebes article  An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrads Heart of Darkness' was basically written about the racism Achebe encountered in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Achebe criticizes Joseph Conrad for his racist stereotypes towards the continent and people of Africa. Achebe claims that Conrad spread the image that people imagined rather than portraying Africa in its true form. Africans were shown in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† as savages with no way to speak other than grunting. To Conrad, the Africans were not real characters in his story, but were backgrounds or props. Chinua Achebe responded with his own novel, â€Å"Things Fall Apart†: it was a contrast to Heart of Darkness and comparable works by other European writers. In â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, Achebe tells the story of Okonkwo, an Ibo man who is actually represented as a functioning person. Africans are represented as actual individuals with intelligence and a language, not just one massive conglomerate of dumb thoughtless natives. Their customs are not regarded as crazy and foreign, but as normal everyday life no different than the assortment of Western customs. And the land itself is described as a mix of towns and farms, not a foreign dangerous land. In basically every way, â€Å"Things Fall Apart† challenges typecasts set forward in Heart of Darkness. Overall it is a useful article that contains a good amount of information and I would recommend it to other students. Suzanne Fields wrote an article on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† she actually defended Conrad. She thought that although, he wrote about racist things he presented in the way that was the norm at the time. She stated that it wasn’t racist because that was how people perceived them not because he had anything against them racially. Suzanne felt that his observations can’t be called racist because that was only how he saw it. It was informative and I would tell other students to read the article because it shows Conrad’s book in a different light than most people do. It was a reputable article written on â€Å"Real Clear Politics† by an actual writer. When Dr. John Laflin wrote an article about the argument that the â€Å"Heart of Darkness† was racist he originally felt it seemed racist, but upon further analysis it isn’t actually racist. He thought when first reading seeing the ord ner and the way he described them as creatures made it seem racist. When he more closely examined the work he noticed that he actually referred to his own people as creatures which showed that all people has animalistic tendencies. He also noted that Conrad did in fact give the natives human qualities. Dr, Laflin showed both sides of the argument on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† and he made it an easy to read informative work. It definitely was a great article and a good resource. On British/UK fiction Jackie Patrick wrote an article about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. She mentions racism and says it wouldn’t be politically correct in today’s culture, but in Conrad’s time period it was normal and therefore not racist. She says although he alienates the natives from the whites he doesn’t consider them a different species and doesn’t actually see them as animals. She states that in today’s culture that the writing he put forth wouldn’t be acceptable, but in his time period the word ner was historically correct. Although the article was about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness† she still shows her take on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. It was a useful article and was on a reputable site with an easy to use set up. Dr. Leon Litvack compared Achebe’s article on â€Å"Heart of Darkness† to Cederic Watt’s response to the reading. Cederic believed Achebe didn’t read deep enough in to the text and was naive in his understanding of the novel. While Achebe was completely up in arms about the racism portrayed in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† saying that the natives were shown as animals, Watts vehemently fought against those views saying that Conrad gave the natives human qualities. They showed restraint when faced with cannibalism and Kurtz did not show the same self-control. Watts contradicts everything that Achebe wrote and says that Achebe took things out of context and didn’t understand the novel. This article showed two completely different views and compared them giving good information from both sides of the arguments. It would be a good article for students to read because it basically has two articles in one and it compares them.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ship Planning and Hazardous Cargo

Ship Planning and Hazardous Cargo ABSTRACT This project aims to provide an insight of the container shipping industry, in particular the â€Å"mega-vessel†. â€Å"Mega-vessel† here is referred to as large carrying container vessel which is commonly referred also to as a VLCC (Very Large Container Carrier) or ULCC (Ultra Large Container Carrier). By doing research on the factors or/and constraints that limit the size of container vessels will give a better understanding of how the container industry has been evolving till present. We will look into seven areas which can affect the decision of constructing large container vessels. Factors or/and constraints that limit the size of container vessels are important points to look into when deciding whether or not to proceed with a decision of building larger vessels for the purpose of optimizing vessel space and achieving economy of scale. INTRODUCTION Container shipping industry has been expanding in terms of vessel size since it first came to existence in the 1950s and is expected to continue to grow gradually. In the 1960s, the so-called largest container vessel had a container capacity of 1,000 TEU then increased to 2,000 TEU for the following 10 years and so on. From then on, it has reached to the present biggest container vessel, Emma Maersk with capacity of 11,000 TEU. Now an entire industry has come into sight and therefore container terminals have become a crucial link to the chain of intermodalism. Malaccamax is referred to vessel of 21m draft permissible to pass through Malacca Strait – a major shipping route between Europe and Asia. Adding the 10% underkeel clearance, the minimum channel depth of at least 23.1m is required in port and alongside the berth. She would have a capacity of 18,000 TEU, a length of 470m and a beam of 60m. Even so, with Suez Canal planning to increase the cross-section breadth and depth over the coming years, Malaccamax will be able pass the Suez Canal in future as its current narrowest width is at 60m. With the trend towards building larger container vessels make ports even more incapable to accommodate them. Terminal advancement and dredging are some of the options for existing harbours to decide and some ports already have plans to deepen or widen its channel or berth depth. To some, this may not be feasible to construct larger vessel as not only it is a challenge to design it in a way it is safe to navigate but also gives more room for casualties like grounding and navigational error. FACTORS AND CONSTRAINTS THAT LIMIT THE SIZE OF CONTAINER VESSELS A container terminal is a facility that handles ocean-going vessels along the coastline to manage movement of cargo (container) in and out of a country. A typical container terminal consists of berths, yards, quay cranes, storage area, equipments to handle containers, gatehouse that controls the flow of containers in and out of the yard and administration building. In this section, we will look into the factors and constraints that limit the size of container vessel. Port Infrastructure – Terminal Water depth The water depth of a berth has to be deep enough to accommodate Malaccamax which is said to have a draft of 21m. Ports with shallow draft will face a problem when Malaccamax calls in the port. They may have to deepen its draft through dredging or expanding the land used for storing of containers as part of the port development. Quay length The quay length is defined by the expected size of vessel to call at the terminal. Since this research is about Malaccamax, she would have a length of 470m, thus the berth needs to have a length capacity sufficient to take in Malaccamax for loading and discharging of containers. Beam width Beam width is to be taken into consideration as part of the port development to accommodate future vessels. The entrance channel should be wide enough for her to pass through. Quay cranes are to be replaced with highly durable and that the outreach of the cranes can be extended and reach the very last row of the ship. Lifting capacity is also an important point for handling of hatch cover pontoons. Storage space To expand the landside container storage yard should be done if future large vessel like Malaccamax is to be constructed. Especially now with the no. of containers handled will be increased, most likely the port would need an extension of storage space as well as CFS (container freight station) for stuffing and stripping of containers. Another constraint that the yard can have is the dwell time – the time cargo (container) remains in a terminals in-transit storage area while awaiting shipment by clearance transportation. The longer the dwell time, the lesser containers can be handled at any one time. By expanding the storage area, will reduce the time taken to handle containers which are waiting to be transferred out. Ship’s design and cargo handling Ship structure The ship’s structure has to be able to carry more containers in cargo holds as well as on deck. It should also allow a better field of vision from the bridge to navigate the ship. The bow has to be strong enough to withstand the bow impact during the journey. It should be built with concrete frames, in a way to reduce torsional stresses and internal and external forces. Engine In today’s ship, it is equipped with one propeller, with the largest diesel engine manufactured (12 cylinders), maximum boring (980 or 960 mm), the power available is approximately 93.000 BHP (68500 kw), which gives a maximum speed of approximately 24-25 knots, which is required by industry. Now with the expansion of container ship size, one propeller is not enough to withstand the large vessel. The diesel engine should also be increased to maybe about 14-16 cylinders so that the maximum speed of the vessel can remain the same or even increase to higher knots. All designs beyond the 9,500–10,000 TEU limit require alternative propulsion, either twin screw or some kind of combination with pods or contra-rotating propellers. Using double propulsion can be another option for larger vessel like what the small draft tankers used. Capital costs, fuel costs and daily operating costs all will go up with a twin screw ship, however the advantage of using the double propulsion is that if one of the engines breaks down, the ship can still be controlled by another engine. This increases the investment and hence offsets the economy of scale incentive for bigger size. If it happens, there will most probably have to be a jump in size to compensate for the increased capital cost. To meet the SOLAS requirements for bridge visibility on such a large ship, the design envisages the separation of deckhouse and engine room. The innovative arrangement of the deckhouse in the forward part of the ship permits an increase in container capacity and a reduction in ballast water. Container lashing Lashings are essential and every container vessel will carry lashing equipments like lashing bar, turnbuckles and twistlocks used to secure containers onboard, especially in the present situation where containers are stacked as high as nine high. Even so with the securing of containers, sometimes accident happens and containers collapsed like dominos. To reduce the risk of further accidents, some ways can be adopted like considering temporary reduction in container stack heights, revised weather routeing and replacement of lashing equipment. Sometimes, lashing bars can also break. Probably the reason behind it is that heavy container is stacked onto lighter ones. This is where the job of a ship planner comes into picture. The ship planner has to plan loading of containers in a way it is safe from the loading point till it reach the discharging point. With Malaccamax coming along, lashing of containers becomes more vital and needs to be carried out in a safe manner. It has to be regularly checked and assessed and if needed, to tighten the lashing bars. Crew Crew plays an important role in ensuring that the ship is properly manned. Without crew, ships cannot sail. With regards to Malaccamax, qualification and competency of a crew is a challenge. Of course with this, they would require the best crew onboard. Simulators also need to be further advanced for bigger ships. Most vessels employ 13 crews on board, however in the case of Malaccamax, it has to be increased to do the daily routine. 13 crews onboard can’t possibly handle such a large vessel. Cargo (reefer) Usual accidents that we also hear from container vessels are loss of containers, collision, fire and some cargo claims especially with regards to reefer containers. In this case, reefer containers pose a kind of problem because it has to have power points for the reefers to operate. Power points are to be situated at one side so reefers will be placed together at a single point. Crew has to also check the temperature needed depending on its content. That is one of the reasons why reefers cannot be loaded in cargo hold. Technical constraint Cargo handling equipment (quay crane, mobile crane, gantry cranes, etc) The life span of a crane is 40 years but the useful life will not be more that 25 or 30 years. Improved and automated handling equipment is required for the ships’ turnaround time to be reduced. Port can also improve on the yard productivity to overcome the situation. Road and rail intermodal connection It is important to improve the situation in port. Currently, we are facing the common constraint in yard which is congestion. By expediting on the technology, we can utilise the container space even more by higher stacking of containers. Gatehouse can also be replaced with automated gantry that allows trucks to move in and out of the yard with less difficulty. The terminal operator can install some kind of a system that can see through the trucks for security purpose. That will reduce the employment of staff for the job and also reduce the waiting time for trucks to get in and out of the yard. Some countries have rail system where it will transport containers from one place to another place using railways. Now with more containers coming in the port, the system has to be amended for an example to use double stack or triple stack high on rail. With this kind of system, it can carry at least twice the normal no. of containers being transported by rail. Turnaround time It is obvious that the ship’s turnaround time would be slower for large vessels like Malaccamax. Therefore it is the ports’ trading speed that will attract ship owners to acquire any services needed. Ports should stay competitive especially when handling large vessels like Malaccamax since not many ports have the capability to deal with it. Container handling equipments will have an impact on the turnaround time. To reduce it, maintenance of the equipments needs to be in a regular basis so that the efficiency is maintained at a high level. To use additional cranes or faster hoist speeds and trolleys can minimise the constraint in port. IT The crippling of the port need not be through the destruction of physical assets—it can also occur through the disruption of the information systems controlling port flow. Only a sophisticated information network management system can allow the port to manage the volumes and complexity of handling different cargoes all at once. As the hub ports grow bigger, even more information needs to be processed and disseminated. This makes the hub ports—and the entire maritime shipping structure—even more vulnerable to disruption of the information network itself. Operational cost When we talk about Malaccamax, being the future largest container vessel to be constructed, surely all sorts of costs will increase especially the bunker cost. With twin engine usage and heavy deadweight will consume more bunkers. With the maintenance of ships’ engine, other equipments and all as part of the operational cost, it would definitely increase as compared to smaller vessel of say 8000 TEU. Speed of a ship is of critical importance as ship will enjoy economy of scale when she is at sea. When in port, capital cost will start building up. CONCLUSION The growth of vessel size and the development of hub ports are the result of the search for efficiencies and profit by private businesses competing in a fierce shipping market. The growth in demand for container ships is required to provide employment for the rapidly expanding container ship fleet. When talking about business, of course risks are involved and when times are bad, the container ship industry will be greatly affected especially with the economic downturn crisis at present. Although the container ship is a type of reliable ship, the rapid development of new bigger designs and the increasing value of the cargo call for a more proactive approach in order to deal effectively with the hazards currently associated with container ships. The industry as a whole must focus on these issues and find suitable solutions. 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