Thursday, October 31, 2019

Implement part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Implement part - Essay Example It is pertinent to mention here that the scheduled date of the training course is 6th December 2012, from 0900 hours to 1700 hours at Delta Airline’s Auditorium. Moreover, during the training hours, the employees would not perform their daily office routine work. Therefore, they need to manage their office work scheduled on the training day before or after the training, as per the requirement of the work. You are requested to visit the News section of the internal portal of the Delta Airline to subscribe to get course material well before the training time. The training course is compulsory to attend by all the selected employees, therefore, make it convenient to attend the training course. There are three parts of the format; in the first part the trainer would be provided the learner profile (given above at Appendix – I) and summary analysis. In the second part, the designer of the course would provide the relevant course contents (given at Appendix – II) to the trainer. Furthermore, at this time, the role of the trainer would be a student. In the third part, the designer would provide the instructional materials to the trainer by â€Å"walk-through-talk-through† method. In this way, the trainer having above mentioned qualifications would be trained to provide training to the employees of the Delta Airline. The time duration of the train-the-trainer would be two (2) hours. Initially, there would be an introduction for fifteen (15) minutes that would be followed by the goals and objectives (given in the Office Memorandum) of the training for twenty (20) minutes. The course material (prepared in the development phase) would be provided to the trainer within thirty (30) minutes that would be followed by an informal walk-through for forty five (45) minutes. And in the end, there would be a question-answer session for fifteen (15) minutes. As the participants /

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free

Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness Essay Summary 5 Authoritative Articles â€Å"Racism in Heart of Darkness† Chinua Achebes article  An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrads Heart of Darkness' was basically written about the racism Achebe encountered in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Achebe criticizes Joseph Conrad for his racist stereotypes towards the continent and people of Africa. Achebe claims that Conrad spread the image that people imagined rather than portraying Africa in its true form. Africans were shown in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† as savages with no way to speak other than grunting. To Conrad, the Africans were not real characters in his story, but were backgrounds or props. Chinua Achebe responded with his own novel, â€Å"Things Fall Apart†: it was a contrast to Heart of Darkness and comparable works by other European writers. In â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, Achebe tells the story of Okonkwo, an Ibo man who is actually represented as a functioning person. Africans are represented as actual individuals with intelligence and a language, not just one massive conglomerate of dumb thoughtless natives. Their customs are not regarded as crazy and foreign, but as normal everyday life no different than the assortment of Western customs. And the land itself is described as a mix of towns and farms, not a foreign dangerous land. In basically every way, â€Å"Things Fall Apart† challenges typecasts set forward in Heart of Darkness. Overall it is a useful article that contains a good amount of information and I would recommend it to other students. Suzanne Fields wrote an article on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† she actually defended Conrad. She thought that although, he wrote about racist things he presented in the way that was the norm at the time. She stated that it wasn’t racist because that was how people perceived them not because he had anything against them racially. Suzanne felt that his observations can’t be called racist because that was only how he saw it. It was informative and I would tell other students to read the article because it shows Conrad’s book in a different light than most people do. It was a reputable article written on â€Å"Real Clear Politics† by an actual writer. When Dr. John Laflin wrote an article about the argument that the â€Å"Heart of Darkness† was racist he originally felt it seemed racist, but upon further analysis it isn’t actually racist. He thought when first reading seeing the ord ner and the way he described them as creatures made it seem racist. When he more closely examined the work he noticed that he actually referred to his own people as creatures which showed that all people has animalistic tendencies. He also noted that Conrad did in fact give the natives human qualities. Dr, Laflin showed both sides of the argument on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† and he made it an easy to read informative work. It definitely was a great article and a good resource. On British/UK fiction Jackie Patrick wrote an article about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. She mentions racism and says it wouldn’t be politically correct in today’s culture, but in Conrad’s time period it was normal and therefore not racist. She says although he alienates the natives from the whites he doesn’t consider them a different species and doesn’t actually see them as animals. She states that in today’s culture that the writing he put forth wouldn’t be acceptable, but in his time period the word ner was historically correct. Although the article was about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness† she still shows her take on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. It was a useful article and was on a reputable site with an easy to use set up. Dr. Leon Litvack compared Achebe’s article on â€Å"Heart of Darkness† to Cederic Watt’s response to the reading. Cederic believed Achebe didn’t read deep enough in to the text and was naive in his understanding of the novel. While Achebe was completely up in arms about the racism portrayed in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† saying that the natives were shown as animals, Watts vehemently fought against those views saying that Conrad gave the natives human qualities. They showed restraint when faced with cannibalism and Kurtz did not show the same self-control. Watts contradicts everything that Achebe wrote and says that Achebe took things out of context and didn’t understand the novel. This article showed two completely different views and compared them giving good information from both sides of the arguments. It would be a good article for students to read because it basically has two articles in one and it compares them.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ship Planning and Hazardous Cargo

Ship Planning and Hazardous Cargo ABSTRACT This project aims to provide an insight of the container shipping industry, in particular the â€Å"mega-vessel†. â€Å"Mega-vessel† here is referred to as large carrying container vessel which is commonly referred also to as a VLCC (Very Large Container Carrier) or ULCC (Ultra Large Container Carrier). By doing research on the factors or/and constraints that limit the size of container vessels will give a better understanding of how the container industry has been evolving till present. We will look into seven areas which can affect the decision of constructing large container vessels. Factors or/and constraints that limit the size of container vessels are important points to look into when deciding whether or not to proceed with a decision of building larger vessels for the purpose of optimizing vessel space and achieving economy of scale. INTRODUCTION Container shipping industry has been expanding in terms of vessel size since it first came to existence in the 1950s and is expected to continue to grow gradually. In the 1960s, the so-called largest container vessel had a container capacity of 1,000 TEU then increased to 2,000 TEU for the following 10 years and so on. From then on, it has reached to the present biggest container vessel, Emma Maersk with capacity of 11,000 TEU. Now an entire industry has come into sight and therefore container terminals have become a crucial link to the chain of intermodalism. Malaccamax is referred to vessel of 21m draft permissible to pass through Malacca Strait – a major shipping route between Europe and Asia. Adding the 10% underkeel clearance, the minimum channel depth of at least 23.1m is required in port and alongside the berth. She would have a capacity of 18,000 TEU, a length of 470m and a beam of 60m. Even so, with Suez Canal planning to increase the cross-section breadth and depth over the coming years, Malaccamax will be able pass the Suez Canal in future as its current narrowest width is at 60m. With the trend towards building larger container vessels make ports even more incapable to accommodate them. Terminal advancement and dredging are some of the options for existing harbours to decide and some ports already have plans to deepen or widen its channel or berth depth. To some, this may not be feasible to construct larger vessel as not only it is a challenge to design it in a way it is safe to navigate but also gives more room for casualties like grounding and navigational error. FACTORS AND CONSTRAINTS THAT LIMIT THE SIZE OF CONTAINER VESSELS A container terminal is a facility that handles ocean-going vessels along the coastline to manage movement of cargo (container) in and out of a country. A typical container terminal consists of berths, yards, quay cranes, storage area, equipments to handle containers, gatehouse that controls the flow of containers in and out of the yard and administration building. In this section, we will look into the factors and constraints that limit the size of container vessel. Port Infrastructure – Terminal Water depth The water depth of a berth has to be deep enough to accommodate Malaccamax which is said to have a draft of 21m. Ports with shallow draft will face a problem when Malaccamax calls in the port. They may have to deepen its draft through dredging or expanding the land used for storing of containers as part of the port development. Quay length The quay length is defined by the expected size of vessel to call at the terminal. Since this research is about Malaccamax, she would have a length of 470m, thus the berth needs to have a length capacity sufficient to take in Malaccamax for loading and discharging of containers. Beam width Beam width is to be taken into consideration as part of the port development to accommodate future vessels. The entrance channel should be wide enough for her to pass through. Quay cranes are to be replaced with highly durable and that the outreach of the cranes can be extended and reach the very last row of the ship. Lifting capacity is also an important point for handling of hatch cover pontoons. Storage space To expand the landside container storage yard should be done if future large vessel like Malaccamax is to be constructed. Especially now with the no. of containers handled will be increased, most likely the port would need an extension of storage space as well as CFS (container freight station) for stuffing and stripping of containers. Another constraint that the yard can have is the dwell time – the time cargo (container) remains in a terminals in-transit storage area while awaiting shipment by clearance transportation. The longer the dwell time, the lesser containers can be handled at any one time. By expanding the storage area, will reduce the time taken to handle containers which are waiting to be transferred out. Ship’s design and cargo handling Ship structure The ship’s structure has to be able to carry more containers in cargo holds as well as on deck. It should also allow a better field of vision from the bridge to navigate the ship. The bow has to be strong enough to withstand the bow impact during the journey. It should be built with concrete frames, in a way to reduce torsional stresses and internal and external forces. Engine In today’s ship, it is equipped with one propeller, with the largest diesel engine manufactured (12 cylinders), maximum boring (980 or 960 mm), the power available is approximately 93.000 BHP (68500 kw), which gives a maximum speed of approximately 24-25 knots, which is required by industry. Now with the expansion of container ship size, one propeller is not enough to withstand the large vessel. The diesel engine should also be increased to maybe about 14-16 cylinders so that the maximum speed of the vessel can remain the same or even increase to higher knots. All designs beyond the 9,500–10,000 TEU limit require alternative propulsion, either twin screw or some kind of combination with pods or contra-rotating propellers. Using double propulsion can be another option for larger vessel like what the small draft tankers used. Capital costs, fuel costs and daily operating costs all will go up with a twin screw ship, however the advantage of using the double propulsion is that if one of the engines breaks down, the ship can still be controlled by another engine. This increases the investment and hence offsets the economy of scale incentive for bigger size. If it happens, there will most probably have to be a jump in size to compensate for the increased capital cost. To meet the SOLAS requirements for bridge visibility on such a large ship, the design envisages the separation of deckhouse and engine room. The innovative arrangement of the deckhouse in the forward part of the ship permits an increase in container capacity and a reduction in ballast water. Container lashing Lashings are essential and every container vessel will carry lashing equipments like lashing bar, turnbuckles and twistlocks used to secure containers onboard, especially in the present situation where containers are stacked as high as nine high. Even so with the securing of containers, sometimes accident happens and containers collapsed like dominos. To reduce the risk of further accidents, some ways can be adopted like considering temporary reduction in container stack heights, revised weather routeing and replacement of lashing equipment. Sometimes, lashing bars can also break. Probably the reason behind it is that heavy container is stacked onto lighter ones. This is where the job of a ship planner comes into picture. The ship planner has to plan loading of containers in a way it is safe from the loading point till it reach the discharging point. With Malaccamax coming along, lashing of containers becomes more vital and needs to be carried out in a safe manner. It has to be regularly checked and assessed and if needed, to tighten the lashing bars. Crew Crew plays an important role in ensuring that the ship is properly manned. Without crew, ships cannot sail. With regards to Malaccamax, qualification and competency of a crew is a challenge. Of course with this, they would require the best crew onboard. Simulators also need to be further advanced for bigger ships. Most vessels employ 13 crews on board, however in the case of Malaccamax, it has to be increased to do the daily routine. 13 crews onboard can’t possibly handle such a large vessel. Cargo (reefer) Usual accidents that we also hear from container vessels are loss of containers, collision, fire and some cargo claims especially with regards to reefer containers. In this case, reefer containers pose a kind of problem because it has to have power points for the reefers to operate. Power points are to be situated at one side so reefers will be placed together at a single point. Crew has to also check the temperature needed depending on its content. That is one of the reasons why reefers cannot be loaded in cargo hold. Technical constraint Cargo handling equipment (quay crane, mobile crane, gantry cranes, etc) The life span of a crane is 40 years but the useful life will not be more that 25 or 30 years. Improved and automated handling equipment is required for the ships’ turnaround time to be reduced. Port can also improve on the yard productivity to overcome the situation. Road and rail intermodal connection It is important to improve the situation in port. Currently, we are facing the common constraint in yard which is congestion. By expediting on the technology, we can utilise the container space even more by higher stacking of containers. Gatehouse can also be replaced with automated gantry that allows trucks to move in and out of the yard with less difficulty. The terminal operator can install some kind of a system that can see through the trucks for security purpose. That will reduce the employment of staff for the job and also reduce the waiting time for trucks to get in and out of the yard. Some countries have rail system where it will transport containers from one place to another place using railways. Now with more containers coming in the port, the system has to be amended for an example to use double stack or triple stack high on rail. With this kind of system, it can carry at least twice the normal no. of containers being transported by rail. Turnaround time It is obvious that the ship’s turnaround time would be slower for large vessels like Malaccamax. Therefore it is the ports’ trading speed that will attract ship owners to acquire any services needed. Ports should stay competitive especially when handling large vessels like Malaccamax since not many ports have the capability to deal with it. Container handling equipments will have an impact on the turnaround time. To reduce it, maintenance of the equipments needs to be in a regular basis so that the efficiency is maintained at a high level. To use additional cranes or faster hoist speeds and trolleys can minimise the constraint in port. IT The crippling of the port need not be through the destruction of physical assets—it can also occur through the disruption of the information systems controlling port flow. Only a sophisticated information network management system can allow the port to manage the volumes and complexity of handling different cargoes all at once. As the hub ports grow bigger, even more information needs to be processed and disseminated. This makes the hub ports—and the entire maritime shipping structure—even more vulnerable to disruption of the information network itself. Operational cost When we talk about Malaccamax, being the future largest container vessel to be constructed, surely all sorts of costs will increase especially the bunker cost. With twin engine usage and heavy deadweight will consume more bunkers. With the maintenance of ships’ engine, other equipments and all as part of the operational cost, it would definitely increase as compared to smaller vessel of say 8000 TEU. Speed of a ship is of critical importance as ship will enjoy economy of scale when she is at sea. When in port, capital cost will start building up. CONCLUSION The growth of vessel size and the development of hub ports are the result of the search for efficiencies and profit by private businesses competing in a fierce shipping market. The growth in demand for container ships is required to provide employment for the rapidly expanding container ship fleet. When talking about business, of course risks are involved and when times are bad, the container ship industry will be greatly affected especially with the economic downturn crisis at present. Although the container ship is a type of reliable ship, the rapid development of new bigger designs and the increasing value of the cargo call for a more proactive approach in order to deal effectively with the hazards currently associated with container ships. The industry as a whole must focus on these issues and find suitable solutions. REFERENCES A.Jordan, Micheal, Future: Proof your crane, viewed on 15th June 2009 All Business, Containerships: Making it to the Malaccamax?, viewed on 23rd June 2009 Association Francaise Des Capitaines De Navires, The safety of the container ships; An increasing concern, viewed on 15th June 2009 Blankey, Nick, Containerships: Making it to the Malaccamax?, viewed on 23rd June 2009 C.Ircha, Micheal, Serving tomorrow’s mega size container vessels, viewed on 15th June 2009 Compton, Mike, Seaways magazine: Container safety, Dec 2008 p19 DNV, Container ship safety: An area for increasing concern?, viewed on 15th June 2009 Global, Container Ship Types, viewed on 15th June 2009 Looklex Encyclopedia, Suez Canal, viewed on 24th June 2009 Maersk, Emma Maersk, viewed on 24th June 2009 Tozer, David and Penfold, Andrew; Ultra Large Container Ships; designing to the limit of current and projected terminal infrastructure capabilities; viewed on 23th June 2009 The Scottish Government, Container Transhipment and Demand for Container Terminal Capacity in Scotland, viewed on 15th June 2009 Y.Coulter, Daniel, Globalization of Maritime Commerce: The Rise of Hub Ports, viewed on 15th June 2009

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Wright Brothers :: Essays Papers

The Wright Brothers A lot of important events of the past happened in Mexico. In 1810 Mexico was ruled by the Spanish viceroy, which was organized into the Spanish colony of New Spain. In 1812 Mexico is politically unstable. In 1846 Mexico loses one third of its territory to the United States during the Mexican War. In 1861 Benito Juarez becomes the president of Mexico. In 1877 Porfrio Diaz rules Mexico. In 1911 Diaz flees the country and Madero is elected president. In 1914 General Uenustians Carranja becomes the president of Mexico. In 1934 President Lazaro Cardinas nationalizes the industry of Mexico. In 1985 there was an earthquake in Mexico City and it kills 20,000 people. Last, in 1988 Carlos Salinas de Goortari is elected president of Mexico. Government The government in Mexico is somewhat the same to the government in the United States. The Formal Government contains the Republican Party with two legislative houses of the Chambers of Deputies. The Head of The State is the president, which was elected to 1 to 6 year terms. The Elected Officials are the President, the 12 senators, the 500 deputies, the 31 governors, the mayor of the Districts of Mexico City and the munical official. The Administrative Organizations are 31 states, each with a government, and the Federal District of Mexico City rolled by the federal government, also the munical councils administrated by the mayors. Last, the judiciary system in the Supreme Court, which is divided into 6 sub-courts. Traditions There are many traditions in Mexico. On February 5th the Mexicans celebrate Constitution Day. May 21st is President Benito Juarez’s birthday. May 8th is the Anniversary of Pueblo. September 16th is Independence Day. October 12th is Columbus Day. Another day that the Mexicans celebrate is on November 2nd and that’s the Day of the Dead. They celebrate all the people that died in the wars. On December 12th is the Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mexican men wear hats called sombreros. Current Events There were four major current events that happened in Mexico. On April 2nd, 2000 Mexico got a wider phone connection. At first Washington D.C. said no to this but Mexico got it anyway. Now Telmex is Mexico’s biggest, local, long-distance phone company. It is also the largest Internet service. On April 4th the Mexico Supreme Court found out who killed the most famous T.V.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

All-New Bmw 3-Series Features Aggressive Pricing Strategies

Many Option Prices Stay the Same Despite Improvements Better than the outgoing model in every way, the all-new BMW 3-Series wont increase much in price when it goes on sale later this month. The 2006 325i will start at $30,995, only $1,695 more than the 2005 model, despite featuring an entirely new design, upgraded 3. 0-liter inline six-cylinder engine that now makes 215-horsepower compared to the 2005 models 184-horsepower rating, a new six-speed automatic transmission with manual mode, enhanced chassis engineering and steering geometry, totally revised interior, and more. The top-line 330i is improved too, featuring all of the 325is upgrades plus an all-new 3. 0-liter engine that produces 255-horsepower compared to the outgoing models 225-horsepower rating, while torque is up from 214 lb-ft in the current car to 220 lb-ft. Like the 325i, the 330is base price will rise when it goes on sale, but only by $1,295 to $36,995. Both new engines are the first in large-scale series production to incorporate magnesium as a main component, a metal that is 30 percent lighter than aluminum. The engines are also the first six-cylinders in the BMW family to make use of Valvetronic, the brands variable valve timing system. Other option groups include the $2,200 Navigation package, up $400 from last years navigation system, but now featuring integrated voice recognition for hands free actuation of ancillary functions. A Cold Weather package, at $1,000, the same price as last years version, adds a ski bag, fold down rear seatbacks, heated front seats and retractable headlight washers. A Premium package, available on both models, is priced at $2,900 in the new 325i compared to $2,300 in the outgoing car. It features the same power glass sunroof, leather covered 8-way power front seats and drivers side emory, and Harmon/Kardon LOGIC7 audio system. The new model also features power folding mirrors in premium guise. The Premium package for the 330i is priced the same as last years version, at $2,200, and features everything that is available on the 325i Premium package, less the power seats with drivers side memory, which come standard on the 330i. Other Premium features include a universal garage door opene r, auto dimming exterior mirrors, drivers seat lumbar support, a compass in the mirror, Dakota leather seats and trim replace Montana leather seats and trim, and a Harmon/Kardon LOGIC7 audio system. The 2006 3-Series is also available with a Sport package, just like the 2005 model. At $1,600, it is $200 more expensive than the outgoing cars, and continues forward with updated versions of the same features, such as sport seats with electrically adjustable seat width, a 3-spoke leather-wrapped steering wheel and 17-inch alloy wheels, plus a sport suspension. The only difference, feature to feature, is the addition of performance-oriented run-flat tires. The price of the 330is Sport package has increased from $1,400 in 2005 model year vehicles to $1,600 in 2006, and also features the new run-flat tires. Other stand-alone options dont rise in price much either, and in the case of the new 6-speed automatic transmissions extra forward gear, offer major improvements in design and engineering. That transmission only goes up by $225 at $1,500 compared to the 2005 models $1,275 optional gearbox, while the Dakota premium leather upgrade will cost $1,450, the same price as the 2005 cars Montana leather package. Park distance control is once again $350, while metallic paint remains a $475 option. New for 2006 will be adaptive headlights, which point a set of bulbs in the direction the car is turning, active cruise control at $2,200, which will automatically slow the 3-Series down when approaching a slower vehicle, and active steering, a $1,250 feature that essentially adapts the steering ratio to vehicle speed, but its electric-motor-assisted, planetary-gear-motivated rack-and-pinion system is much more sophisticated than conventional speed sensitive steering counterparts, common to luxury cars of all stripes. Steering response to input is much quicker than any other car, at about 1. turns lock to lock, making maneuvering into, around and out of tight spaces such as parking lots incredibly easy. To put this in perspective, most cars need about twice that amount to turn the wheel from full left to full right, or about 3. 5 turns lock to lock. The reason for this is so steering input isnt too direct at high speeds. At 1. 7 turns a car traveling at highway speeds would simply da rt off the road with minimal input, not a good thing. Active Steering, however, electronically and mechanically adjusts the ratio to about 4 turns lock to lock when velocities demand. Both the 325i and 330i will be available with BMWs xDrive all-wheel-drive system in October, which is when the new 3-Series Touring, a sports wagon derivative, will arrive in dealerships. While there is no word on pricing for the 325xi or the Touring version, expect each models final window sticker to remain close to 2005 levels, if the pricing of sedan models is any indication. BMWs aggressive pricing strategy will help it maintain leadership in the compact premium class, a position it has enjoyed since the first 3-Series debuted in 1977.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Civil War Essays - Union, Medal Of Honor, Free Essays

The Civil War Essays - Union, Medal Of Honor, Free Essays The Civil War For minorities, as for other Americans, the Civil War was an opportunity to prove their valor and loyalty. Among the first mustered into the Union Army were a De Kalb regiment of German American clerks, the Garibakdi Guards made up of Italian Americans, a "Polish Legion," and hundreds of Irish American youths form Boston and New York. But in Ohio and Washington, D.C., African American volunteers were turned away from recruiting stations and told, "This is a white man's war." Some citizens questioned the loyalty of immigrants who lived in crowded city tenements until an Italian American from Brooklyn turned that around. In the New York Senate, Democrat Francis Spinola had been a vigorous foe of Republican policies and Lincoln. But now he swore his loyalty with stirring words, "This is my flag, which I will follow and defend." This speech gave great assurance that the masses in the great cities were devoted to the Union and ready to enlist for its defense. More than 400,000 European immigrants fought for the Union, including more than 170,00 Germans and more than 150,00 Irish. Many saw their services as a proud sacrifice. The first officer to die for the Union was Captain Constatin Blandowski, one of many immigrants who earlier had fought for freedom in Europe and then joined Lincoln's army. Born in Upper Silesia and trained at Dresden, Germany, he was a veteran of democratic struggles - a Polish revolt at Krakow, the Polish Legion's battles against Austria, and the Hungarian fight for independence. Some nationalities contributed more than their share of Union soldiers. Some immigrants earned the Congressional Medal of Honor. Italian American officer Louis di Cesnola, was the Colonel of the 4th Cavalry Regiment. At Aldie, Virginia, in 1863, he earned the Medal of Honor and was appointed a general. He charged unarmed at the foe, read his citation, "rallied his men ...until desperately wounded and taken prisoner in action." In 1879 Cesnola became director of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum then became, wrote a critic, "a monument to his energy, enterprise, and rare executive skill." Italian American privates also won the Medal of Honor. Joseph Sova of the 8th Cavalry earned it for capturing the Confederate flag at Appomattox. Private Orlando Caruana of the 51st Infantry won it at Newburn, North Carolina. With bullets whizzing past him, he saved wounded men and rescued the U.S. flag. As 1865 came on, the feel of victory was in the Northern air. And so the Civil War was over. Yet even the ending of the war did not bring real peace. On Good Friday, April 14, 11 days after Union troops had entered Richmond, an actor named John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln as the President watched a play from his box in Ford's Theater, Washington, D.C. The one man who might have brought about a just peace was dead. The Civil War had solved some old problems for the United States. But it created some new problems as well. But many of the problems created by the Civil War have been solved. Towns have been rebuilt, new industries flourish, and new schools have been erected. Most of the damage of war has been long repaired. North and South both enjoy prosperity. But many of the human problems still remain.