Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bishop s Same Gender Couples Adoption - 1393 Words

Bishop Disapproves Same-Gender Couples Adoption Rights in Czech Republic In response to a change in the Czech Republic’s law now affirming the rights of LGB people adopting children, Bishop Vaclav Maly—chairman of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Czech Bishops’ Conference—stated: The model of the family, constituted by a man and a woman, has been proved over thousands of years and shown by numerous expert studies to serve a child s physical and psychological needs best,† according to an article on The Tablet. In June of 2016, the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic struck down the law that kept LGB people in same-gender partnerships from adopting children. The Czech Republic, where Catholicism is the dominant religion, has seen slow change from their landmark decision in 2006 that created a â€Å"registered partnership† class for same-gender couples. Registered partnerships are similar to marriages but with less rights, such as–until recently–not having the right to adopt children. The previous law, however, allowed LGB people not in registered partnerships to adopt and only restricted those in â€Å"registered partnerships.† The court’s June decision allows one member of a registered partnership to adopt but does not yet allow both partners to hold joint custody. In a statement, Bishop Vaclav Maly said that recent increases in child abuse and neglect in the Czech Republic required increased dialogue on the country s adoption and foster care. After researchingShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1604 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman and has been so for many years. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society - 1564 Words

The War on Drugs is a deep-rooted controversial campaign of prohibition and military aid that has been disputed for many years. There are constant debates as to whether there will ever be a viable solution to the problem. However, as we continue to pursue the â€Å"war on drugs,† it has become increasingly evident that â€Å"winning† the war seems to be an impossible task. Drug prohibition and the undertaking of the war on drugs have stirred much controversy over its moral and logical implications. While there are many drugs that exist that are unhealthy when abused, it has become apparent that the drug policies in the United States, as well as many parts of the world, are inconsistent and oppressive. Ironically, drug laws were initially created for the good of society, but it has become increasingly clear that drug laws and our undertaking of the drug war have only served to cause problems. The current war on drugs has led to devastating effects on society both e conomically and socially. Violence and corruption have subjugated throughout the United States, Mexico and many other parts of the world. Additionally, drug prohibition efforts have had very little impact on the supply of illegal drugs and have had little to no success in reducing the demand for illegal drugs. The war on drugs, which is fueled by corruption and propaganda, needs to come to an end for the betterment of society. Drug prohibition has not always been accepted in society as it is today. In fact, thereShow MoreRelatedWar On Drugs And Its Effects On Society Essay1730 Words   |  7 PagesNovember 2016 Final Paper War on Drugs Introduction The War on Drugs was established in the early 70’s to end drug abuse, which had increasingly become a problem during that era. Considering drugs will continue to be manufactured and consumed, this war has no end. And because there is no boundaries, there is room for discrimination and people being targeted. A disproportionate amount of minorities, particularly African Americans, are incarcerated every year for drug possession. As a result, childrenRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society1276 Words   |  6 PagesJust a little over a year and a half after being in office President Reagan declared a â€Å"war on drugs†, creating a zero tolerance policy. The â€Å"war on drugs† claimed that it would reduce drug use if they were made illegal. The common misconception of the idea of this solution if that by restricting the supply of illicit drugs for the demand the price would increase making it harder for users to afford the habit and further discour age users from using. When in reality this shifted individuals into diggingRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society889 Words   |  4 PagesThe war on drugs is one that continuously alters society and effects millions of people. Whether it be the constant back and forth battle of whether or not to legalize marijuana for recreational or medicinal use to stories of girls like Kristina in Crank that find their way to more potent drugs such as meth; drugs policies are always necessary. Stories like this are important to help people understand how drugs fit into our society and just how prevalent they are. In the story of Crank, KristinaRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effect On Society1888 Words   |  8 PagesHumans have the tendency to wage war on anything which they thing has a negative Fulsy 7 effect on their society or which may affect their way of life. Before the 19th century, alcohol was considered a product of religious relevance and individualistic satisfaction, but latter people realized it was being abused and in 1914 the Narcotics Tax Act was introduce. And later the 18 amendment was introduced prohibiting the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol with exception to religious orRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effect On Society1840 Words   |  8 PagesThe, â€Å"War on Drugs† has been an ongoing debate in many circles for much longer than most people know. Starting in the late 1800’s, drug regulations and laws have been imposed upon American society and, although they have changed and been manipulated to fit different policies, by different politicians with different agendas, they are still in effect today. These laws and regulations may be in place for the safety of society or, according to some, are a way for the federal government t o control theRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On Society1907 Words   |  8 PagesThe â€Å"war on drugs† has been an ongoing problem for almost a century. With the amount of effort to decrease the use of drugs, it is still a major problem in today’s society. Drugs have played a crucial role on the effects of incarceration rates in our society. It has also played a major role on the effects on prisoners and their communities. In the first place, in the 1800’s, drugs made their first appearance in the United States. After the American Civil War, Opium became a popular drug in the UnitedRead MoreIs The War On Drugs?1252 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscussing is the War on Drugs. I will discuss the War on Drugs in relation to mass incarceration and to what consequences the War on drugs has caused among people and society itself. I have always been interested by the War on Drugs. However, slowly realizing, I only knew so much about the issue. As I further researched I learned what the term, â€Å"War on Drugs† really means. The â€Å"War on Drugs† is about the prohibition of drugs in society. Therefore, I strongly believe that the Drug War is a very controversialRead More America And The War On Drugs Essay1216 Words   |  5 PagesColumbia, when they have their own problems with drugs? The Untied States of America has a rather large drug trafficking problem but compared to Columbia it is fa irly small. To help Columbia solve their problem the U.S. senate has decided to send troops over there and take control. This new involvement will have many consequences in and what can you make for instance the cost of a war, the loss and gain of jobs, and physical side effects. Now war is a very serious subject to study for sociologistsRead MoreMethamphetamine And Cocaine Are Two Commonly Negatively Depicted Substances1746 Words   |  7 Pageslooking at the history of each. Important factors are when and how each â€Å"drug† came up in society. Other necessary characteristics one must analyze about each is the positives of each, but also the harmful effects of each. The final, and arguably most important aspect an individual must inspect is how society is affected by either meth or cocaine. Methamphetamine, or more commonly referred to as meth, is a popular recreational drug within the borders of the United States, but where is the origin of theRead MoreThe Vietnam War Has Far Reaching Consequences For The United States1710 Words   |  7 PagesFailure is a hard word, and no matter how you analyze the Vietnam War, that is precisely what it was. The War was a personal failure on a national scale. From its covert commen- cements, through the bloodiest, most tenebrous days and determinately to the acrid end, this ten-year period of American history is a national disgrace. This research paper will deal with some of the more intriguing aspects and effects of this war. Since the Vietnam conflict made absolutely no sense politically, militarily

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What is life Free Essays

What is life? Is it a mystery? Is it an adventure? Is it a way to help others? Or is it so brief compared to the rest of the time in the universe it has no meaning at all? People have been wondering this for thousands of years, yet no one has found an answer. Many look for complicated ways to understand life, yet the answer is so simple; life is a book. Since the day the binding was opened for the first time,and the author began writting the story; every thought, action, and emotion that is experienced is written into the book. We will write a custom essay sample on What is life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Memory is just rereading the book. Some pages torn, stuck together, smeared so we can’t remember it as well, but it is all writtten down. Every hope, every dream, every fear is recorded in time forever. Some books have flashy, tacky covers, but tell the most troublesome stories on the inside. Some have dull, nondescript covers, but tell the warmest, most adventurous stories that causes one to recall some earlier chapter in ones own life. Every experience is a chapter. Some chapters speak of friends and family, some speak of the most horrible fears and the most dreamed about opes, and some tell of Love and Loss that the author experienced. Some chapters are not finished and will be completed at a later time. Some chapters are blurred, because not even the author knows what happened, or what he wishes would happen. And some chapters are blank pages, waiting to be filled. More than once, the author has wished he could go back a few pages and rewrite it differently, but alas, the book has already been published, and cannot be changed. As the book ages, it loses some of its shine, pages tear and fade, and the binding becomes loose. Some pages suddenly become so clear, you can’t understand why you didn’t see it before, while others become so transparent that you can’t even remember reading them. And after the book has become so old that it can’t even be read or moved without falling apart, it is taken out of circulation and stored. Not only in a physical place, but in people’s heart, those who loved the book as if it was their best friend. It is stored with every other book of every person’s life back before humanity could even speak with more than grunts and body langauge. It is stored in the Great Library. As you look around this glorous library, the books stack higher than any mountain, and strech farther than any eye can see. And on every shelf are books, and in the center of the room are thousands of books open to different pages and chapters recording the author’s dictations from the start of the book until it is finished and published. And then there are the old books that are being called out of circulation, catalogued and stored. You reach out and begin reading one of the many books. It is the life of your friend. You take notice of how many times your own book overlaps with your riend’s book, and how similar the stories are. As you read this book, you see the meaning of life, not what the stories are, or what the cover looks like, but how every book tells a different story; and while many may overlap and share dreams, hopes, and fears, they each contain knowledge and together make up life. You see, you can’t judge a book by its cover, nor can you judge a person by appearance, each complete with fears, dreams, joys, sorrows, memories, friends and familes. Together we all make up life, and our stories inspire others to grow and to have the best story they can. How to cite What is life, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Marketing strategies of Red Bull and Nike †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Marketing strategies of Red Bull and Nike. Answer: Introduction The current business scenario is quite challenging for the contemporary business organizations. They have to maintain various aspects in order to stay ahead in the competition. One of the key aspects to be maintained by them is themarketing of their products through different channels. Marketing enables the organizations in increasing the identity and exposure of their brand among the customers (Urde 2013). Majority of the large business houses gained their brand identity and brand image from their Marketing activities. Red Bull and Nike are two such organizations which are known for their innovative marketing activities (Armstrong et al 2015). They have being able to position their products in the mind of the customers more positively due to their effective marketing strategies. This report will analyze the strategies being initiated by these two organizations in order to their competitive advantages. Moreover, the process or steps to garner the competitive advantages will also be discussed. Articles gathered from Business today and Forbes is being used to analyze their marketing activities (Sanusi 2017). Marketing strategies of Red Bull Though Red Bull operates in the market having various others competitors offering energy drinks, however, they possess a unique and distinctive approach which makes them different from their competitors (Pangarkar 2017). Majority of the advertisements of the competitors in this sector comprise of loud and entertaining taglines and show structure. On the other hand, Red Bull advertises their products in a more subtle manner. They even do not provide any information about their products in the advertisement, rather than they just aware the customers about their presence. The more focus area of Red Bull in their marketing activities is the sponsorships of various high octane sporting events which match with their brand identity. They mainly position their products as a youth and sports oriented. Thus, customers get more related with their products with the help of these events. Marketing strategies of Nike Nike is one of the prominent and leading footwear and sports accessories brand in the world. In the case of Nike also, they operates in an intensely competitive market having various large competitors offering similar products. Nike is also known for their innovative approach in their marketing activities. Nike is having various products in their portfolio targeted for various sections of the society. Thus, accordingly they market their products to attract the targeted customers. Nike is also more concentrated on outside and event marketing rather than opting for television commercials. They sponsor various large sporting events as well as sponsoring different sports teams (Tuten and Solomon 2014). This helps them in enhancing their brand exposure among the customers. As due to the reason that Nike is operating in sports accessories market, thus the marketing activities with the help of the sporting events helps them to solidify their brand identity among the customers. Moreover, the target segments of them can be collectively attracted by marketing through sporting events. Evaluation of the marketing strategies of Red Bull Red Bull maintains a specific approach in designing their marketing activities. To evaluate the marketing activities of them, segmentation, targeting and positioning model will be used. According to this model, the first step is to identify the segments of the customers which will be targeted. The customer segments for Red Bull are mainly the higher end customers who are inclined towards adventurous lifestyle. People having orientations towards sports are also target segments for them. In addition, demographically, both genders are the targeted segments of Red Bull. In the recent years, more female customers are attracting towards sports and sports oriented activities. Accordingly, Red Bull has increased their brand presence in the events targeted for the women sections. However, the pricing of their products are being done considering the higher end customers (Ellickson, Misra and Nair 2012). Thus, they have opted for premium pricing. It helps them to maintain a standard and exclusi vity among their customers. The next step in this model is targeting. It refers to the sections of the customers being targeted and having product, price, place and promotional activities to attract them. Red Bull implements their pricing strategies to attract their target customers which consist from the higher end of the pyramid. The product is also being designed to attract the sports people and will act as the complementary in their sporting activities. The advertisements are being aired mainly in the sports channels where the target customers will be present. The last step in this model is positioning the brand in the mind of the customers. Red Bull designed their advertisements according to the taste and preference pattern of their target customers. The advertisements and events for Red Bull are being designed in such a way that it will position itself as a sports oriented product in the mind of the customers (Shakhshir 2014). The events sponsored by them are mainly the high octane and adventurous sports which helps them in positioning their products accordingly in the mind of the customers. Evaluation of the marketing activities of Nike As discussed earlier, Nike caters to various segments of the customers. They are having diversified product portfolio ranging from footwear to other sports accessories (Kumar, Gaur and Pattnaik 2012). Accordingly they design their advertisements to cater to the targeted customers. Nike promotes extensive marketing strategies involving celebrities from different fields. It helps in increasing their market penetration and enhancing their brand identity among their potential customers. The advertisements of Nike targeted in promoting the utility of the products and the associated innovations with it. Nike mainly promotes their products in terms of their innovations and thus their advertisements also portray the innovative ideas attached with the particular products (Calin 2012). It helps them to aware the customers in having the knowledge about the features that are distinctive from others. Thus, with the help of the marketing activities, their competitive advantages get conveyed effect ively to the customers. Moreover, association with the various sports teams helps them to target the customers from the specific regions. The goodwill and reputation associated with the teams helps them in penetrating their products more effectively in the respective markets. Success of the marketing strategies for Red Bull The unique approach of the marketing activities of Red Bull helped them in creating a unique brand image in the mind of the customers. Customers relate Red Bull with adventures and sports. This has been made possible due to the effective and innovative marketing strategies being implemented by them. Porter generic strategies will be used to determine the competitive advantages being gained by them from their marketing activities. According to this model, the first aspect is cost leadership (Valipour, Birjandi and Honarbakhsh 2012). The marketing activities of Red Bull are not targeted for cost leadership in the market rather than the premium pricing of their products is creating a separate entity in the mind of their targeted customers. The second aspect is differentiation strategy. Red Bull maintains an effective differentiation strategy by implementing premium pricing, niche target segments and related marketing activities. It helps them in creating a distinctive image in the crowd ed market of various other competitors. The taste of their drinks, choice of sponsored events and design of the marketing campaign helps them to create the distinctive image among the customers (Valipour, Birjandi and Honarbakhsh 2012). Thus, having the close substitutes in the market, Red Bull is maintaining their unique image among their customers. The last aspect is focus. Majority of the competitors of Red Bull operates in the same market segments at the same price levels. However, the marketing activities of Red Bull are being targeted towards the niche market where they are operating (Yang 2012). The utility of their products along with the marketing channels being used are being designed according to the preference pattern of their target segments. This helps them in maintaining the customer loyalty among their targeted segments. Success of the marketing strategies for Nike Nike is also one of the most prominent organizations having successful and extensive marketing activities. According to the porter generic strategies, the cost leadership is being maintained by Nike with reducing the cost of production of their products by outsourcing their manufacturing facilities to the countries having low labor cost. Moreover, the forward integration by them also helps in controlling the retail price by their own. It helps them in competing with the competitors in every price levels. The next aspect is differentiation strategy. The main differentiation strategy being implemented by Nike is their innovations in their products (Wagner III and Hollenbeck 2014). The products of Nike are being known for their innovative approach. It helps them in creating a separate image in the mind of the customers. The last aspect is focus strategy. The focus market for Nike is the sports people and people looking for higher end casual shoes. It includes both the genders. The marke ting activities of Nike are being designed to target this specific focus market (Baker 2014). Association with the sports teams and events helps them in attracting their targeted customers. Brand identity further increased among them. Conclusion Having analyzed the marketing activities of Red Bull and Nike, it can be concluded that they both have implemented an effective marketing strategy which is helping them to maintain their competitive advantages over their competitors. Marketing strategies plays a huge role in making their brand exposed to more number of customers. Moreover, the distinctive features of their products are being properly communicated with the help of their marketing activities. Thus, it can be said that maintaining these activities will help them to maintain their market leadership position in the long run. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Baker, M.J., 2014.Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. C?lin, G., 2012. Strategies for increasing marketing flexibility: An application of the service dominant logic.MB School. Ellickson, P.B., Misra, S. and Nair, H.S., 2012. Repositioning dynamics and pricing strategy.Journal of Marketing Research,49(6), pp.750-772. Pangarkar, N. (2017).Forbes Welcome. [online] Forbes.com. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesasia/2013/06/24/the-wind-behind-red-bulls-wings/#6161b9e67b79 [Accessed 9 Aug. 2017]. Sanusi, M. (2017).How Nike's marketing strategies helped it become a global brand. [online] Businesstoday.in. Available at: https://www.businesstoday.in/magazine/lbs-case-study/nike-marketing-strategies-global-brand/story/207237.html [Accessed 9 Aug. 2017]. Shakhshir, G., 2014. Positioning strategies development.The Annals Of The University Of Oradea,977, pp.416-437. Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R., 2014.Social media marketing. Sage. Urde, M., 2013. The corporate brand identity matrix.Journal of Brand Management,20(9), pp.742-761. Valipour, H., Birjandi, H. and Honarbakhsh, S., 2012. The effects of cost leadership strategy and product differentiation strategy on the performance of firms.Journal of Asian Business Strategy,2(1), p.14. Wagner III, J.A. and Hollenbeck, J.R., 2014.Organizational behavior: Securing competitive advantage. Routledge. Yang, L.R., 2012. Implementation of project strategy to improve new product development performance.International Journal of Project Management,30(7), pp.760-770.